International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO


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in the polar regions. Southern Ocean IPY has made a<br />

significant contribution to achieving all four of these<br />

aims. Much of the research in the Southern Ocean has<br />

been closely coordinated with similar activities in the<br />

Arctic, which together provide the integrated bipolar<br />

perspective required to address the goals of IPY.<br />

Southern Ocean IPY leaves a number of legacies.<br />

First and foremost, Southern Ocean IPY has<br />

demonstrated that an integrated, multi-disciplinary,<br />

sustained observing system is feasible, cost-effective<br />

References<br />

Antipov, N.N. and A.V. Klepikov, 2007. Oceanographic<br />

conditions in the Prydz Bay area from the AARI<br />

cruises in 1997 - 2007. Problems of Arctic and Antarctic,<br />

76:36-48 (in Russian).<br />

Antipov, N.N. and A.V. Klepikov, 2008. On bottom water<br />

formation processes to the west of Prydz Bay,<br />

Antarctica. In SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference<br />

“<strong>Polar</strong> Research – Arctic and Antarctic<br />

perspective in the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Polar</strong> <strong>Year</strong>” Abstract<br />

volume, p 118. St.-Petersburg, Russia.<br />

Antipov, N.N., A.V. Klepikov, K.V. Batrak and V.V. Maslennikov,<br />

2009a. First results of oceanographic studies<br />

of the Antarctic waters within the IPY 2007/08<br />

projects in 53rd Russian Antarctic Expedition. In<br />

Field studies during the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Polar</strong> <strong>Year</strong><br />

2007/08. Vol. 2. Expeditions of 2008. A.I. Danilov,<br />

(ed), p 169-171. AARI Publishing: St Petersburg (in<br />

Russian).<br />

Antipov, NN, K.V. Batrak, L.A. Duhova, Kuznetsov V.L.<br />

and V.V. Maslennikov, 2009b. Hydrographic and<br />

hydrochemical studies during 53rd Russian Antarctic<br />

Expedition on r/v “Akademik Fedorov”.<br />

Oceanology, 49(1):155-158 (in Russian).<br />

Aoki, S., S.R. Rintoul, S. Ushio, S. Watanabe and N.L.<br />

Bindoff, 2005. Freshening of the Adelie Land<br />

Bottom Water near 140°E. Geophys. Res. Lett.,<br />

32:L23601, doi10.1029/2005GL024246.<br />

Bakker, D.C.E., M. Hoppema, M. Schröder, W. Geibert<br />

and H.J.W. de Baar, 2008. A rapid transition from<br />

ice covered CO 2 -rich waters to a biologically mediated<br />

CO 2 sink in the eastern Weddell Gyre. Bio-<br />

and urgently needed (Rintoul et al., 2010a,b; Turner et<br />

al., 2009b). Other legacies include a circumpolar snapshot<br />

to serve as a benchmark for the assessment of<br />

past and future change; models capable of simulating<br />

interactions among climate, ecosystems and<br />

biogeochemical cycles, providing vastly improved<br />

projections of future change; a well-integrated<br />

interdisciplinary and multi-national polar research<br />

community; and inspiration to a new generation of<br />

polar researchers.<br />

geosciences, 5:1373-1386.<br />

Barnes, D.K.A. 2008. A benthic richness hotspot in the<br />

Southern Ocean: slope and shelf cryptic benthos<br />

of Shag Rocks. Antarctic Science, 20:263–270.<br />

Bathmann, U. (ed), 2010. The expedition of the research<br />

vessel “<strong>Polar</strong>stern” to the Antarctic in 2007/2008<br />

(ANT-XXIV/2). / In U. Bathmann, Berichte zur <strong>Polar</strong>-<br />

und Meeresforschung / Reports on polar and marine<br />

research, 604, 205 p.<br />

Bindoff, J. Willebrand, V. Artale, A. Cazenave, J. Gregory,<br />

S. Gulev, K. Hanawa, C. LeQuéré, S. Levitus,<br />

Y. Nojiri, C. Shum, L. Talley and A. Unnikrishnan,<br />

2007. Observations: oceanic climate change and<br />

sea level. In Climate Change 2007: The Physical<br />

Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group 1 to<br />

the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental<br />

Panel on Climate Change, S. Solomon, D.<br />

Qin and M. Manning (eds), Cambridge University<br />

Press: United Kingdom and New York, NY, U.S.A..<br />

Biuw, M., L. Boehme, C. Guinet, M. Hindell, D. Costa, J.-<br />

B. Charrassin, F. Roquet, F. Bailleul, M. Meredith, S.<br />

Thorpe, Y. Tremblay, B. McDonald, Y.-H. Park, S.R.<br />

Rintoul, N. Bindoff, M. Goebel, D. Crocker, P. Lovell,<br />

J. Nicholson, F. Monks and M.A. Fedak, 2007. Variations<br />

in behavior and condition of a Southern<br />

Ocean top predator in relation to in situ oceanographic<br />

conditions. Proceedings of the National<br />

Academy of Sciences, 104(34):13705-13710.<br />

Boehme, L. and 22 co-authors, in press. Biologging in<br />

the global ocean observing system, Proceedings<br />

of the “OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observa-<br />

s C I e n C e P r o g r a m 209

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