International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO


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IPY 20 07–20 08<br />

solved iron in Seawater. EOS, 88:11.<br />

Klatt, O., O. Boebel and E. Fahrbach, 2007. A profiling<br />

float’s sense of ice, J. Atmosph. and Oceanic Techn.,<br />

24(7):1301-1308., doi:10.1175/JTECH2026.1.<br />

Klunder M., P. Laan, R. Middag, H.J.W. de Baar and J. van<br />

Ooijen, submitted. Dissolved iron in the Southern<br />

Ocean (Atlantic sector). Deep-Sea Research II.<br />

Krafft, B., W. Melle, T. Knutsen, E. Bagøyen, C. Broms, B.<br />

Ellertsen and V. Siegel, 2010. Distribution and demography<br />

of Antarctic krill in the South East Atlantic<br />

sector of the Southern Ocean during the austral<br />

summer 2008. DOI:10.1007/s300-010-0774-3.<br />

Lannuzel, D., V. Schoemann, B. Pasquer, P. van der<br />

Merwe and A.R. Bowie, in revision. What controls<br />

the distribution of dissolved iron in Antarctic sea<br />

ice? Spatial, seasonal and inter-annual variability.<br />

J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosciences.<br />

Le Quéré, C.L. et al., 2007. Saturation of the Southern<br />

Ocean CO 2 sink due to recent climate change. Science,<br />

316: 1735-1738.<br />

Lewis, M.J., J.L. Tison, B. Weissling, B. Delille, S.F. Ackley,<br />

F. Brabant and H. Xie, in press. Sea ice and snow<br />

cover characteristics during the winter-spring<br />

transition in the Bellingshausen Sea: an overview<br />

of SIMBA 2007, Deep Sea Research II.<br />

Lovenduski, N. S., N. Gruber and S. C. Doney, 2008. Toward<br />

a mechanistic understanding of the decadal<br />

trends in the Southern Ocean carbon sink. Glob.<br />

Biogeochem. Cycles 22, GB3016.<br />

Luis, A.L and M. Sudhakar, 2009. Upper-ocean hydrodynamics<br />

along meridional sections in the southwest<br />

Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during<br />

austral summer 2007, <strong>Polar</strong> Science 3:13-30.<br />

Mayewski, P.A., M.P. Meredith, C.P. Summerhayes, J.<br />

Turner, A. Worby, P.J. Barrett, G. Casassa, N.A.N.<br />

Bertler, T. Bracegirdle, A.C. Naveira Garabato, D.<br />

Bromwich, H. Campbell, G.H. Hamilton, W.B. Lyons,<br />

K.A. Maasch, S. Aoki, C. Xiao and T. van Ommen,<br />

2009. State of the Antarctic and Southern<br />

Ocean climate system, Rev. Geophys., 47: RG1003,<br />

doi:10.1029/2007RG000231. 38pp.<br />

Measures, C.I., 2007. GEOTRACES - An international<br />

study of the global marine biogeochemical cycles<br />

of trace elements and their isotopes. Chemie der<br />

Erde-Geochemistry, 67:85-131.<br />

McNeil, B. I. and R. J. Matear, 2008. Southern Ocean<br />

acidification: A tipping point at 450 –ppm atmo-<br />

spheric CO 2 . Proceedings of the National Academy<br />

of Sciences, 105:18860-18864.<br />

Meiners, K., L. Norman, M.A. Granskog, A. Krell, P. Heil<br />

and D.N. Thomas, in press. Physico-ecobiogeochemistry<br />

of East Antarctic pack ice during the<br />

winter-spring transition. Deep Sea Research II.<br />

Melnikov I.A. and R.M. Gogorev, 2008. Cryobiological<br />

characteristics of sea ice in the Antarctic marginal<br />

zone. In Changes of natural environment and climate:<br />

natural and possible consequent humaninduced<br />

catastrophes. Vol. 3, Part 2. Natural processes<br />

in polar regions. V.M. Kotlyakov (ed), p.<br />

226-233. Moscow: IG RAS Publishing (in Russian).<br />

Melnikov I.A., R.L. Osudar and R.M. Gogorev, submitted.<br />

Sea ice biological communities at Nella Fjord, Prydz<br />

Bay, Eastern Antarctic, 2009-2010. Oceanology.<br />

Middag, R., C. Van Slooten, H.J.W. De Baar and P. Laan,<br />

in press (a). Dissolved Aluminium in the Southern<br />

Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II.<br />

Middag, R., H.J.W. De Baar, P. Laan, P.H. Cai and J. Van<br />

Ooijen, in press (b). Dissolved Manganese in the<br />

Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep Sea<br />

Research II.<br />

Morel, F.M.M. and N.M. Price, 2003. The biogeochemical<br />

cycles of trace metals in the oceans. Science,<br />

300(5621):944-947.<br />

Murphy, E.J., R.D. Cavanagh, N.M. Johnston and E.E.<br />

Hofmann, (eds), 2010. Integrating Climate and<br />

Ecosystem Dynamics (ICED): Report of the Southern<br />

Ocean Food Web Modelling Workshop, 16-18<br />

April 2008, Virginia, U.S.A.. (Available from www.<br />

iced.ac.uk.)<br />

Murphy, E.J., R.D. Cavanagh, N.M. Johnston, K. Reid<br />

and E.E. Hofmann, (eds), 2008. Integrating Climate<br />

and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean<br />

(ICED): Science Plan and Implementation Strategy.<br />

GLOBEC Report No. 26 and IMBER Report No.<br />

2. (Available from www.iced.ac.uk.)<br />

Naveira Garabato, A.C., K.L. Polzin, B.A. King, K.J. Heywood<br />

and M. Visbeck, 2004. Widespread intense<br />

turbulent mixing in the Southern Ocean, Science,<br />

3003:210-213.<br />

Naveira Garabato, A.C., L. Jullion, D.P. Stevens, K.J.<br />

Heywood and B.A. King, 2009. Variability of Subantarctic<br />

Mode Water and Antarctic Intermediate<br />

Water in the Drake Passage during the late-twentieth<br />

and early-twenty-first centuries. J. Clim. 22

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