International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO


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of the Earth. The patterns of uplift documented by<br />

GPS measurements can document the positions of<br />

major ice loads (Sella et al., 2007). Mantle viscosity and<br />

the thickness and elastic rigidity of the lithosphere,<br />

control the magnitudes and time scales for isostatic<br />

response to glacial loading and unloading. These earth<br />

properties, and their variation, can be inferred from<br />

studies of seismic velocity and attenuation. Hence,<br />

by simultaneously measuring crustal motions using<br />

GPS and by gaining higher-resolution data on the<br />

thickness and rheology of the crust and mantle from<br />

seismological studies, the POLENET observational<br />

programme will make an unprecedented leap in our<br />

ability to model GIA in Antarctica and Greenland.<br />

The first tests of glacial isostatic adjustment models<br />

for Antarctica and Greenland based on GPS-derived<br />

vertical crustal motions mainly show that GIA model<br />

predictions do not match measured rates (Ohzono et<br />

al., 2006; Mancini et al., 2007; Khan et al., 2008; Willis<br />

et al., 2008c; Bevis et al., 2009a). This emphasizes the<br />

need for improved ice and earth models, and for ‘GPStuned’<br />

GIA modeling.<br />

Satellite-based monitoring provides one means of<br />

obtaining data on modern ice mass balance for entire<br />

ice sheets, and ongoing analyses of both altimetry<br />

and time-variable gravity data indicate mass loss<br />

from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets that<br />

appears to be accelerating (Rignot et al., 2008; Chen<br />

et al., 2009; Velicogna, 2009). Uncertainties in both<br />

types of measurements, however, are mainly due to<br />

‘contamination’ by vertical displacement of the bedrock<br />

beneath the ice sheets due to ‘rebound’, and a poorly<br />

constrained ‘correction’ must be applied to remove<br />

this component in order to derive ice mass change<br />

(Alley et al., 2007). POLENET observing networks were<br />

designed to directly measure solid earth phenomena,<br />

including ‘rebound’, and provide the first synoptic<br />

ground-based observations across the Greenland<br />

and Antarctic ice sheets. The new observations will<br />

thus greatly reduce the sources of uncertainties in<br />

satellite-derived measurements. For example, GPS<br />

data from Enderby Land, Antarctica, has shown that<br />

an apparent region of positive ice mass change, which<br />

could be interpreted as increasing ice mass, cannot be<br />

ascribed to incorrectly modeled vertical crustal motion<br />

due to GIA (Tregoning et al., 2009). POLENET GPS<br />

measurements will thus complement the orbital data<br />

sets to measure ice mass change to an unprecedented<br />

level of detail and accuracy.<br />

Earth’s response to any very recent changes in<br />

ice mass, including rapidly accelerating ice loss<br />

over decades, will be largely elastic. Outlet glaciers<br />

in southeast Greenland showing accelerated flow<br />

speeds and rapid ice discharge in the current decade<br />

produced a detectable increase in uplift in the time<br />

series of a nearby continuous GPS station, recording<br />

a rapid elastic response of the crust (Khan et al., 2007).<br />

The new array of continuous GPS stations in both<br />

Greenland and Antarctica ensure that any such elastic<br />

signals will be recorded and, using seismological<br />

constraints on regional elastic structure and any<br />

independent data on ice mass change, we will be able<br />

to calibrate the relationship between ice mass change<br />

and crustal deflection. This geodetic measurement<br />

of earth’s elastic response will provide a new way to<br />

recognize and measure periodic or accelerating ice<br />

mass loss.<br />

Ice dynamics<br />

An understanding of the ‘solid Earth’ processes that<br />

influence ice sheet dynamics is essential for predicting<br />

the future behavior and stability of the polar ice<br />

sheets. Coupled ice-sheet climate models require<br />

estimates of heat flow and sediment thickness at the<br />

base of the ice sheet, which can ‘lubricate’ the ice-rock<br />

interface. Since these parameters cannot be measured<br />

directly in Antarctica, seismic images provide a<br />

‘remote sensing’ method to obtain information that<br />

is vital to understanding ice sheet stability. Scientists<br />

will use seismological investigations, integrated with<br />

results from the geodetic studies, to provide firstorder<br />

constraints on geological/tectonic parameters<br />

important for understanding ice sheet dynamics.<br />

New seismic data will be used to develop highresolution<br />

seismic images that will constrain<br />

lithospheric viscosity and thermal structure as well<br />

as basal heat flow. High heat flow could produce subice<br />

water, lowering bed friction, and may lead to the<br />

formation of subglacial lakes. Tomographic images of<br />

West Antarctica show the entire region is characterized<br />

by slow upper mantle velocities suggestive of high<br />

heat flow and thin lithosphere, but resolution is too<br />

poor for detailed correlation of low velocity regions<br />

with tectonic and glacial features.<br />

s C I e n C e P r o g r a m 283

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