International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO

International Polar Year 2007–2008 - WMO


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IPY 20 07–20 08<br />

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Polyakov I. V., A. Beszczynska, E. Carmack, I. Dmitrenko,<br />

E. Fahrbach, I. Frolov, R. Gerdes, E. Hansen,<br />

J. Holfort, V. Ivanov, M. Johnson, M. Karcher,<br />

F. Kauker, J. Morison, K. Orvik, U. Schauer, H.<br />

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step toward a warmer Arctic, Geophys. Res. Lett.,<br />

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Polyakov I. , L. Timokhov, I. Dmitrenko, V. Ivanov, H.<br />

Simmons, F. McLaughlin, R. Dickson, E. Fahrbach,<br />

J-C. Gascard, P. Holliday, L. Fortier, E. Hansen, C.<br />

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2007. The <strong>International</strong> <strong>Polar</strong> <strong>Year</strong> under the banner<br />

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Toole, E. Carmack, F. McLaughling, S. Zimmermans,<br />

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Toole, J.M., M.L. Timmermans, D. K. Perovich, R. A.<br />

Krishfield, A. Proshutinsky and J.A. Richter-Menge,<br />

in press. Influences of the Ocean Surface Mixed<br />

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Vellinga M., R.R. Dickson and R. Curry, 2008. The<br />

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Arctic Sub-Arctic Ocean fluxes: Defining the role<br />

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Whitehead J.A., 1998. Topographic control of oceanic<br />

flows in deep passages and straits. Rev. Geophys<br />


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