JPR 8550.1 - Nasa

JPR 8550.1 - Nasa

JPR 8550.1 - Nasa


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JSC Environmental Compliance<br />

Procedural Requirements<br />

<strong>JPR</strong> No.<br />

<strong>8550.1</strong>A XXXX.X<br />

Effective Date:<br />

Johnson Space Center • Environmental Compliance Program<br />

Expiration Date:<br />

Expiration Date:<br />

Page Number<br />

3/25/2011<br />

3/25/2016<br />

[Leave Blank]<br />

Page 117 of 123<br />

fuel for producing heat or power by combustion).<br />

A.41 SECP Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan: a plan that details<br />

preventive measures that will be taken to protect storm water<br />

runoff from sediment when land will be cleared, graded,<br />

excavated, trenched, or soil or similar materials will be<br />

stockpiled.<br />

A.42 Source Reduction Waste prevention that involves altering the design,<br />

manufacture, purchase, or use of products and materials to<br />

reduce the amount and toxicity of by-products.<br />

A.43 SPCC Plan Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan<br />

A.44 Sustainability Development (economic, social, and environmental) that<br />

meets the needs of present generations without<br />

compromising the ability of future generations.<br />

A.45 Sustainable Acquisition The purchase of items or products that contain recycled or<br />

recovered material. Affirmative Procurement Programs close<br />

the recycling loop by creating a marketplace for items and<br />

products made from materials collected in office and<br />

residential recycling programs.<br />

A.46 SWPPP or SWP3 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan; a document which<br />

outlines JSC's goals and implementation method for<br />

reducing or eliminating pollution of storm water.<br />

A.47 SWPPT Storm Water Pollution Prevention Team; the Environmental<br />

Stewardship Subcommittee members that are responsible<br />

for implementation, maintenance, and revision of the Storm<br />

Water Pollution Prevention Plan and overall Program.<br />

A.48 TCEQ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; the primary<br />

State agency in Texas which regulates activities that affect<br />

the environment.<br />

A.49 Universal Waste Any waste consisting of lead-acid batteries, nickel batteries,<br />

nickel-cadmium batteries, lithium batteries, fluorescent lamps<br />

with silver-colored end caps, high-intensity discharge lamps,<br />

and mercury-containing articles.<br />

A.50 Used Oil Any oil that has been refined from crude oil, or any synthetic<br />

oil, that has been used and as a result of such use is<br />

contaminated by physical or chemical impurities.<br />

Verify correct version before use at<br />

http://server-mpo.arc.nasa.gov/Services/CDMSDocs/Centers/JSC/Home.tml.<br />

JSC Form JF2420B (MS Word August 28, 2006) (Revised May 30, 2007)

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