JPR 8550.1 - Nasa

JPR 8550.1 - Nasa

JPR 8550.1 - Nasa


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JSC Environmental Compliance<br />

Procedural Requirements<br />

<strong>JPR</strong> No.<br />

<strong>8550.1</strong>A XXXX.X<br />

Effective Date:<br />

Johnson Space Center • Environmental Compliance Program<br />

Expiration Date:<br />

Expiration Date:<br />

Page Number<br />

3/25/2011<br />

3/25/2016<br />

[Leave Blank]<br />

Page 66 of 123<br />

b. The PM shall develop a written Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan (SECP) that<br />

describes how sedimentation and erosion will be managed throughout the project.<br />

c. The PM shall submit the SECP to the EO, in accordance with the contract submittal process,<br />

and obtain approval before de-vegetation or stock piling of soil begins.<br />

d. The PM shall include the following in the SECP, at a minimum:<br />

(1) A map identifying the following:<br />

(a) Areas where soil will be exposed or stockpiled;<br />

(b) Locations of all swales, ditches, storm drains or other storm water management devices;<br />

(c) The direction of flow of storm water runoff during the project;<br />

(d) Locations of all control devices; and<br />

(e) Locations of potentially polluting materials.<br />

(2) The area, in acres, to be cleared, graded or excavated;<br />

(3) The targeted start date and end date of the project;<br />

(4) The name and phone number of the individual responsible for sedimentation and erosion<br />

control during the project;<br />

(5) An inventory of materials stored outdoors that could contact with rainfall or runoff and<br />

contribute pollutant(s) to storm water discharge from the site (include material name, quantity,<br />

container type, and flow direction of discharge from the material to the nearest storm water<br />

conveyance); and<br />

(6) A detailed description of each interim and permanent control measure or control device<br />

proposed to be used, when each will be implemented, how each will be effective in reducing or<br />

eliminating the runoff of sediment and other potential pollutants, and how each will be installed,<br />

inspected and maintained throughout the entire project.<br />

(e) The PM shall follow the SECP during the entire project.<br />

(f) The PM shall modify the SECP if the controls are determined to be inadequate or if<br />

conditions change.<br />

(g) The PM shall submit changes to the EO, in accordance with the contract submittal process,<br />

and obtain approval before implementing changes.<br />

(h) The contractor’s PM or designated site supervisor shall inspect construction sites after<br />

each rain event.<br />

(i) The construction contractor shall perform operation and maintenance of controls.<br />

Verify correct version before use at<br />

http://server-mpo.arc.nasa.gov/Services/CDMSDocs/Centers/JSC/Home.tml.<br />

JSC Form JF2420B (MS Word August 28, 2006) (Revised May 30, 2007)

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