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. Can you tell me a little about how the arrests were executed Were there any challenges<br />

specific to the execution of the arrests (e.g. obtaining warrants, etc.)<br />

c. If yes, what happened to the suspects following arrest Were they detained (for how<br />

long) or booked and released<br />

80. Were the suspects part of a larger syndicate or organization or were they working alone<br />

81. If they were part of a larger syndicate or organization, can you describe the structure of the<br />

syndicate/organization<br />

a. Number of people involved<br />

b. Hierarchy<br />

c. Recruitment tactics<br />

d. Geographical spread<br />

e. Involvement in other unlawful activities (drugs, guns, identify fraud, etc.)<br />

82. Of suspects that were arrested, where were they in the “hierarchy” of the business structure<br />

Were you able to apprehend the main trafficker or child pornographer<br />

83. When did the prosecutor become involved in the investigation of X case<br />

a. Clarify if it was a state or federal prosecutor and find out name and unit.<br />

b. Did the case go before a grand jury before the execution of the arrests<br />

84. How was the decision made to take the case through the State or Federal System<br />

85. How were the suspect(s) in X case charged (state, federal, both, human trafficking, non-human<br />

trafficking, both)<br />

a. Are there specific challenges you see to charging human trafficking cases (probe:<br />

charging under human trafficking statutes either state or federal)<br />

86. For X case, were there other potential suspects associated with the case that are not represented in<br />

the charging document<br />

a. If yes, how many<br />

b. What prevented these suspects from being identified/represented in charging<br />

87. For X case, were other non-UCS charges applied<br />

a. If yes, what were they<br />

b. If yes, who made the charging decision and why<br />

88. Is it common to charge human trafficking cases with multiple charges<br />

a. If yes, what other charges are common<br />


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