Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

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conditions are all quite low. Bathing OTS+50%agent films at a bath temperature <strong>of</strong> 80 graduallyincreases the contact angle to approximately 105degree. The various reaction time and bathetemperature have extremely little influence on thecontact angle. In summary, the bath temperature <strong>of</strong>80 ° C and duration time <strong>of</strong> 12 hours was chosen asoperation condition in order to investigate theantibacterial characteristics <strong>of</strong> surface film on lenses.Ra (nm)25020015010050LensOTSOTS + 10% agentOTS + 50% agentantibacterial agent absorbed and stored in thetopographic valley <strong>of</strong> OTS film.The reliability and beauty requirement <strong>of</strong> thedisplay elements made from company becomeimportant in their service life. The lighttransmittance and film adhesion properties are one<strong>of</strong> key performances <strong>of</strong> lens. In order to explore therelation between surface film and lighttransmittance <strong>of</strong> lens, Figure 4 shows thattransmittance <strong>of</strong> OTS film and antibacterial agenton the lens. This result indicates that the OTSsurface film will decrease the light transmittance <strong>of</strong>lens. However, the antibacterial agent hasextremely little influence on the transmittance <strong>of</strong>lens. The minimum value <strong>of</strong> transmittance is 93.6%under the film <strong>of</strong> OTS + 50% agent. It concludesthat all transmittance <strong>of</strong> surface films is acceptablefor industrial applications in our work.1200(a)100LensOTSOTS + 10% agentOTS + 50% agentRa=102 nmTransmittance (%)80604020(b)Figure 3. (a)The roughness values <strong>of</strong> the differentsurface films (b) 3-D topography image <strong>of</strong> the OTS +50% agent film.The various roughness values <strong>of</strong> differentsurface materials are shown in Figure. 3.Roughness test were conducted in air at a relativehumidity <strong>of</strong> about 50% using AFM by non-contactmode. The scanned detection range was 40 µm × 40µm. The various surface roughness value <strong>of</strong> differentsurface materials are shown in Figure 3(a). Thecomparison chart shows that antibacterial agent candecrease the surface roughness value <strong>of</strong> pure OTSfilms. The roughness value <strong>of</strong> OTS film surfaceadding 10% antibacterial agent is approximately 175nm, whereas the OTS film roughness value adding50% antibacterial agent was decreased toapproximately 100 nm. The 3-D topography imagefor the hybrid organic molecules film (OTS + 50%agent) is shown as Figure 3(b). The island-shapedstructures were formed on the surface, as mentionedin Vaillant’s work [8]. It shows hybrid organic filmexhibit uniform coverage the surface with regularpattern <strong>of</strong> island formation. It indicates thatFigure 4 The light transmittance <strong>of</strong> differentsurface films on lensThe film adhesion is another one <strong>of</strong> keyperformances <strong>of</strong> lens for reliability. Figure 5 showsthe effect <strong>of</strong> antibacterial agent on the critical load<strong>of</strong> surface films on the lens. It shows thatantibacterial agent increases adhesion forcebetween OTS film and lens. Mixing antibacterialagent (50%) in OTS material increases the criticalload to approximately 104N. In summary, thesurface treatment <strong>of</strong> optical lenses involving OTS+Agent (50%) is the most capable <strong>of</strong> effectivelyincreasing anti-adhesion functions.In the antibacterial tests, staphylococcus aureuswere inoculated with different self-assembled film,and then after 24 hours to measure bacteria values(JISZ 2801:2010). Figure 6 is the comparison chart<strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> the bacteria for the differentsurface films. For the general lens surface, thebacteria number is about 135000 after 24 hours.The pure OTS film also has little antibacterialfunction. It shows that the bacteria number on OTSwith 50% antibacterial agents and pure antibacterialagent surface is less than 10. It is far lower than thebacteria value, 5.3 × 10 4 , on the OTS film.104 13 th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’13

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