Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

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etween friction clutch components and byconvection to environment, in addition to thethermal effect due to the slipping there is other loadcondition which is the pressure contact betweencontact surfaces. In the second period, there arethree types <strong>of</strong> load conditions the temperaturedistribution from the last period (slipping period),the pressure between contact surfaces due to theaxial force <strong>of</strong> diaphragm spring and the centrifugalforce due to the rotation <strong>of</strong> the contacts parts.Figure 2 shows the load conditions during theengagement cycle <strong>of</strong> the clutch, where t s is theslipping time and T is the transmitted torque byclutch.3. FINITE ELEMENT FORMULATIONThis section presented the steps to simulate thecontact elements <strong>of</strong> friction clutch using ANSYSs<strong>of</strong>tware. Moreover it gives more details about thetypes <strong>of</strong> contacts and algorithms which are used inthis s<strong>of</strong>tware.The first step in this analysis is the modelling;due to the symmetry in the geometry (frictionallining without grooves) and boundary conditions <strong>of</strong>the friction clutch (take into the consideration theeffect <strong>of</strong> the pressure and centrifugal force loads,and neglected the effect <strong>of</strong> thermal load due to theslipping), two-dimensional axisymmetric FEM canbe used to represent the contact between the clutchelements during the steady-state period as shown infigure 3.There are three basic types <strong>of</strong> contact used inAnsys s<strong>of</strong>tware single contact, node-to-surfacecontact and surface-to-surface contact. Surface-tosurfacecontact is the most commonly type <strong>of</strong>contact used for bodies that have arbitrary shapeswith relative large contact areas. This type <strong>of</strong>contact is most efficient for bodies that experiencelarge values <strong>of</strong> relative sliding such as block slidingon plane or sphere sliding within groove [9].Surface-to-surface contact is the type <strong>of</strong> contactassumed in this analysis because <strong>of</strong> the large areas<strong>of</strong> clutch elements in contact.In this work, it has been assumed two types <strong>of</strong>load conditions effects on the clutch system duringthe steady-state period (full engagement period) thecontact pressure between clutch elements due to theaxial force by diaphragm spring and the centrifugalforce due to the rotation.The elements used for contact model are: “Plan13” used for all elements <strong>of</strong> theclutch (flywheel, clutch disc and pressureplate). “Conta172” used for contact surfaces thatare the upper and lower surfaces <strong>of</strong> clutchdisc. “Targe169” used for the target surfacesthat are the lower surface <strong>of</strong> the flywheeland the upper surface <strong>of</strong> the pressure plate.Figure 4 shows the details about schematic for allelements that has been used in this analysis.zTarge169rThe frictional liningFlywheelPressure plateAxialFigure 3. The Contact model for clutch systemPlane13FlywheelClutch discConta172Pressure plateFigure 4. Schematic elements used for the friction clutchelementsThe stiffness relationship between contact andtarget surfaces will decide the amount <strong>of</strong> thepenetration. Higher values <strong>of</strong> contact stiffness willdecrease the amount <strong>of</strong> penetration, but can lead toill-conditioning <strong>of</strong> the global stiffness matrix andconvergence difficulties. Lower values <strong>of</strong> contactstiffness can lead to certain amount <strong>of</strong> penetrationand low enough to facilitate convergence <strong>of</strong> thesolution. The contact stiffness for an element <strong>of</strong>area A is calculated using the following formula[10]: f e f i iTFkn dA(1)The default value <strong>of</strong> the contact stiffness factorFKN is 1, and it is appropriate for bulkdeformation. If bending deformation dominates thesolution, a smaller value <strong>of</strong> KKN = 0.1 isrecommended.There are five algorithms used for surface-tosurfacecontact type are: Penalty method: this algorithm used constant“spring” to establish the relationship betweenthe two contact surfaces (figure 5). The contact212 13 th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’13

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