Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

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(a)(b)Figure 2. Showing (a) representative SEPhotomicrograph showing the reinforcing particlesdispersed in the Al-Mg-Si matrix; and (b) EDS pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong>the particle in 2(a) confirming the presence <strong>of</strong> Al 2 O 3 ,SiO 2 , Fe 2 O 3 , K 2 O, CaO, SiC and Na.(a)3.2 Composite Density and Estimated PercentPorosityThe results <strong>of</strong> the composite densities andestimated percent porosity are presented in Table 3.It is observed from the results that the estimatedporosity values are not dependent on the weightpercent <strong>of</strong> the reinforcement phase or the weightratio <strong>of</strong> RHA to SiC. It is however noted that theestimated porosity levels are less than 4 % whichhas been reported to be the maximum permissiblein cast AMCs [26]. The low porosity levels <strong>of</strong> thecomposites supports our submission that the twostep stir casting method adopted for producing thecomposites is reliable. As a result <strong>of</strong> the lowerdensity <strong>of</strong> RHA (0.31 g/cm 3 ) in comparison to SiC(3.6 g/cm 3 ), it is expected that the density <strong>of</strong> thecomposites will reduce with increase in the RHAcontent in the composite as observed from Table 3.3.3 Mechanical BehaviourThe variation <strong>of</strong> tensile strength and yieldstrength <strong>of</strong> the composites produced is presented inFigure 4. It is observed that there is a generalincrease in tensile strength (Figure 4a) and yieldstrength (Figure 4b) with increase in weight percent<strong>of</strong> the RHA-SiC hybrid reinforcement. However,for specific weight percents <strong>of</strong> the hybridcomposites (that is B, C, and D series), it is notedthat the tensile and yield strength decreases withincrease in the weight proportion <strong>of</strong> RHA in theRHA-SiC reinforcement. For the compositescontaining 5 wt% <strong>of</strong> the reinforcing phase, it isobserved that 4.9, 8.9, 12.5, and 15.8 % reductionin tensile strength was obtained from thecomposites with weight ratio RHA:SiC <strong>of</strong> 1:3, 1:1,3:1, and 1:0 (that is containing 25, 50, 75, and 100% RHA) in comparison to the 5 wt% SiC singlereinforced Al matrix composite. For the compositescontaining 7.5 wt% <strong>of</strong> the reinforcing phase,reductions <strong>of</strong> 5, 9, 13.4, and 19 % were observedfor the compositions <strong>of</strong> 1:3, 1:1, 3:1, 1:0 RHA:SiCweight ratios respectively (in comparison with the7.5 wt% SiC single reinforced composite). In thecase <strong>of</strong> the composites containing 10 wt%reinforcements, reductions <strong>of</strong> 4, 8.1, 13.2, and 18.3% was observed in comparison to the 10 wt % SiCsingle reinforced Al matrix composite.(b)Figure 3. Showing (a) representative SEPhotomicrograph <strong>of</strong> some clustered particles dispersed inthe Al-Mg-Si matrix; and (b): EDS pr<strong>of</strong>ile the particlesidentified in 3(a) confirming the presence <strong>of</strong> Al 2 O 3 ,SiO 2 , Fe 2 O 3 , SiC, Cao, and Na which are constituentsfrom the RHA-SiC hybrid reinforcement.164 13 th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’13

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