Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

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Serbian TribologySocietySERBIATRIB‘1313th International Conference onTribologyKragujevac,Serbia, 15 – 17 May 2013Faculty <strong>of</strong> Engineeringin KragujevaccOPTIMAL DESIGN OFA CAMMECHANISMWITHTRANSLATING FLAT-FACE FOLLOWERUSINGG GENETICALGORITHMI. Tsiafis 1 , S. Mitsi 1 , K.D. Bouzakis 1 , A. Papadimitriou 11 AristotleUniversity <strong>of</strong> Thessaloniki, Departmentt <strong>of</strong> Mechanical Engineering, Greece,tsiafis@eng.auth.gr, mitsi@eng.auth.gr,bouzakis@@eng.auth.gr, thanpap22@gmail.comAbstract: The optimumm design <strong>of</strong> f a cam mechanism is a time consuming task, due to the numerousalternativesconsiderations. In the present work, the problem <strong>of</strong> designn parameterss optimization <strong>of</strong> a cammechanism with translating flat-facefollower is investigatedfrom a multi-objective point <strong>of</strong> view. The designparameters,just like the cam basecircle radius, the follower face width and thee follower <strong>of</strong>fset can bedetermined consideringas optimization criteriaa the minimization <strong>of</strong> the cam size, <strong>of</strong>f the input torque and <strong>of</strong>the contact stress. During the optimization procedure, a number <strong>of</strong> constraints regarding the pressure angle,the contact stress, etcare taken into account. The optimization approach, based on genetic algorithm, isapplied to find the optimal solutionss with respect to the afore-mentionedd objective function and to t ensure thekinematic requirements. Finally, the dynamic behaviour <strong>of</strong> the designed cam mechanism is investigatedconsideringthe frictional forces.Keywords: Cam mechanism, geneticalgorithms, , contact stress, optimization.1. INTRODUCTIONThe optimal design <strong>of</strong> cam mechanismm ishandled in many publications [1-5], where variousconstraints and methods are considered. Αnon-known as SUMT algorithm is used in [3]foroptimum synthesis <strong>of</strong> a disk cam mechanism withswinging roller follower.In [4] the designparameters are determined by the minimizationn <strong>of</strong>linear programming technique with constraints,the maximum compressive stress at the contact area<strong>of</strong> a cam-disk mechanism with translating rollerfollower, where the campr<strong>of</strong>ile is described withthe aid <strong>of</strong> cubic spline functions. Tsiafis ett al.present in [ 5] a multi-objective procedure basedd ongenetic algorithmsto optimize the designparameters <strong>of</strong> a disk-cam mechanism with a rollerfollower.In the present paperthe problem<strong>of</strong> the designparameters optimization<strong>of</strong> a cam mechanism witha reciprocating flat-face follower is investigated,using multi-objectiveoptimizationwith geneticalgorithm. The design parameters for this typee <strong>of</strong>mechanism are the radius <strong>of</strong> the cam base circle,the follower face width andd the follower <strong>of</strong>fset. Theoptimization iss achieved by the development <strong>of</strong>programs usingg the high level computing languageMATLAB withh the GA (genetic algorithm) toolboxapplication. Furthermore, the dynamical analysis <strong>of</strong>the designed mechanism m consideringfriction isinvestigated.2. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATIONA cam mechanism withh a translating flat-facefollower is shown in figuree 1. The camis assumedto have constant angular velocity. The pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> thecamcan be determined considering thekinematicalanddynamical requirementss <strong>of</strong> the mechanism.The design parameters under optimization arethe cam base circle c R b , thee width follower face Landthe follower <strong>of</strong>fset e as shown in figure 1.The optimization <strong>of</strong> the design parameters <strong>of</strong> thecammechanism can beachieved by theminimisation <strong>of</strong>f the cam size, <strong>of</strong> the torque requiredto drive the camm and the contact stress between thecamand the follower.27013 th International Conference C onn Tribology – Serbiatrib’13

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