Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

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additional energy is dissipated due to frictionbetween rubber and metal parts.In previous authors research [2] it was observedthat friction between rubber and metal in such casehave a significant influence on the dampingcharacteristics <strong>of</strong> shock absorber. This paperanalyzes the development process <strong>of</strong> rubber orrubber-metal shock absorbers realized with freecontacts between the constitutive parts, startingfrom the design, construction, testing and operation,with special emphasis on the development <strong>of</strong>rubber-metal springs for the buffing and draw gear<strong>of</strong> railway vehicles.2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUBBER-METAL SHOCK ABSORBERWith appearance <strong>of</strong> modern computer tools andvirtual product development, the developmentprocess <strong>of</strong> shock absorbers became more efficientdue to simulated experimental testing <strong>of</strong> virtualprototype. With virtual product development toolsit is possible to predict the absorbing capacity andservice life before the manufacturing <strong>of</strong> the productprototype which was not possible in classicaldevelopment process.The assembly <strong>of</strong> shock absorber with rubbermetalspring usually consists <strong>of</strong> a few rubber-metalelements separated with metal plates andprestressed with a central screw. A rubber-metalelement represents a metal carrier in the shape <strong>of</strong> acircular plate with natural or synthetic rubbervulcanized on both sides. Therefore, the advantages<strong>of</strong> both component elements are involved: highabilities <strong>of</strong> displacement and amortization <strong>of</strong> rubberand large loads which are sustained by metal parts.These ensure the decrease <strong>of</strong> noise and amortization<strong>of</strong> impact loads. Figure 1 shows the design <strong>of</strong>buffing gear spring assembly, while Figure 2 showsthe design <strong>of</strong> draw gear spring assembly.Figure 1. Rubber-metal spring assembly <strong>of</strong> buffing gearFigure 2. Rubber-metal spring assembly <strong>of</strong> draw gearAs already noted, these springs are used as antishockcomponents, so the main properties designermust take into account are absorbing capacity andstiffness <strong>of</strong> the spring. The most importantabsorbing characteristic <strong>of</strong> rubber is evaluated byits hysteresis. Hysteresis is the mechanical energyloss that always occurs in an elastic materialbetween the application and the removal <strong>of</strong> a load.If the displacement <strong>of</strong> a system with hysteresis isplotted on a graph against the applied force, theresulting curve is in the form <strong>of</strong> a loop. It dependsnot only on the elastomer type, but also on fillersand other compound ingredients as othermechanical properties.The authors defined a virtual productdevelopment procedure (Figure 3) for development<strong>of</strong> rubber-metal springs used in shock absorbers.The development procedure is based on application<strong>of</strong> modern viscoplastic rubber constitutive model(Bergström-Boyce), which besides higher accuracy<strong>of</strong> prediction, enables the assessment rubbercompound hysteresis and strain rate dependencewhich is not possible by application <strong>of</strong> hyperelasticmodels usual for rubber FE analysis. Theparameters <strong>of</strong> rubber constitutive model(Bergström-Boyce) are determined by uniaxialcompression at different strain rates and stressrelaxation test on the samples <strong>of</strong> the rubbercompound (35.7 x 17.8 mm) [3]. The samples arecompressed between hardened steel plateslubricated with machine oil in order to prevent thebarrelling <strong>of</strong> samples. Based on the performedexperiments, the database <strong>of</strong> model parameters forthe rubber compounds can be defined. Databasealso contains data about other significant properties<strong>of</strong> rubber compound, such as composition, commonmechanical properties, etc.The first step in procedure shown at Figure 3 isto determine the rubber compound for rubber-metalspring. From the formed database severalcompounds are selected based on criteria definedby widely known selection and service guide forelastomers [4] regarding the product specificrequirements (creep, low-temp stiffening, heataging,…) and the operating environment conditions(resistance to ozone, radiation, …). The selected13 th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’13 287

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