Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

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flowable at high temperatures and very viscous atextremely high temperatures. The best oil in thissense is the Klüber GH6 1500 oil.5. HERTZIAN CONTACT STRESSThe Hertzian contact stress has a significantinfluence on the wear rate and the width <strong>of</strong> the wearsurface. The Hertzian contact stress in the crossedhelical gears can be determined as the Hertziancontact stress <strong>of</strong> globoid wheel. It should be takeninto consideration that the Hertzian contact stresson the crossed helical gear depends on the width <strong>of</strong>the wear surface. Therefore, a correlation betweenthe width <strong>of</strong> the wear surface b V and thedimensionless ratio p m * [5] is introduced. TheHertzian contact stress by the dimensionlessparameter <strong>of</strong> the average Hertzian contact stressp m,V * is taken into account. The new Hertziancontact stress Hm can be calculate for the averageHertzian contact stress p m,V * according to Equation1, depending on the output torque T 2 , the E-ModuleE red and centre distance a s .4 p EredHm (1)*m, VT210003asAccording to the tests for sintered steelFe1.5Cr0.2Mo with sintered-hardening (S5), thevalue <strong>of</strong> E-Module is E 2 = 203759 N/mm 2 .Therefore, for the material combination <strong>of</strong> wormmade <strong>of</strong> 16MnCr5 and wheel made <strong>of</strong> sintered steelFe1.5Cr0.2Mo, the value <strong>of</strong> the reduced E-Moduleis E red = 227288 N/mm 2 .The Hertzian contact stress that depends on thewidth <strong>of</strong> the teeth p m,V * can be calculated usingEquation 3. The ratio <strong>of</strong> the width <strong>of</strong> the globoidwheel b 2H to the width <strong>of</strong> wear surface b v takes intoconsideration the increase <strong>of</strong> the Hertzian contactstress with decreasing width [6].0,8614 b 2Hp m, V pm(2) bvFigure 3 shows the resulting Hertzian contactstress <strong>of</strong> all tests with different lubricants andn 1 = 1500; 5000 und 10000 min -1 . In the first loadstep output torque is 12 Nm, each next step outputtorque T 2 is increased by 4 Nm, and the timeduration <strong>of</strong> load level is set at 40 hours.Higher torques leads to the increase in pressure.There is no great difference in pressure values <strong>of</strong>Hertzian contact stress for lubrication with mineraland synthetic oil for the rotation speed n 1 = 1500min -1 or sliding velocity v gs = 0.76 m/s. For greaselubrication, the Hertzian contact stress is onaverage half the size in relation to mineral andsynthetic lubricating oil.There is great difference in pressure values <strong>of</strong>Hertzian contact stress for lubrication with mineraland synthetic oil for the rotation speedn 1 = 5000 min -1 or sliding velocity v gs = 2.53 m/s.The values <strong>of</strong> Hertzian contact stress with syntheticoil are for about 65% higher compared tolubrication with mineral oil. Hertzian contactstresses for lubrication with synthetic oil goes up to1400 N/mm 2 .Herzian contact stress Hm [N/mm 2 ]Herzian contact stress Hm [N/mm 2 ]Herzian contact stress Hm [N/mm 2 ]160014001200100080060040020001000900800700600500400300200100016001400120010008006004002000n 1 = 1500 min ‐18 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40n 1 = 10000 min ‐1Output torque T 2[Nm]synthetic oilmineral oilgreasesynthetic oilmineral oil4 8 12 16 20 24Output torque T 2 [Nm]n 1 = 5000 min ‐18 12 16 20 24 28 32 36Output torque T 2 [N]synthetic oilmineral oilFigure 3. Hertzian contact stress Hm for duration <strong>of</strong> theexperiment with different lubrication and n 1 = 1500;5000 and 10000 min -1For the rotation speed n 1 = 10000 min -1 orsliding velocity v gs = 5.05 m/s up to the number <strong>of</strong>load changes N L = 0,9×10 6 values <strong>of</strong> Hertziancontact stress are greater for mineral oil lubricationas compared to synthetic lubricating oil. Then it13 th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’13 323

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