Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

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Figure 6. Wear resistance by linear wear I h , [µm/m] atN = 600 cl. for each sampleFigure 7. Diagram <strong>of</strong> the comparative wear resistanceε i,0 = I i /I 0Table 3. Comparative wear resistance <strong>of</strong> the samples compared to the standard – electrochemical nickel coating withoutdiamond nanoparticles.Number <strong>of</strong> cyclesNComparative wear resistance, ε i,eε 1,0 ε 5,0 ε 10,0 ε 20,0N = 300 cl 1,22 0,76 1,60 3,68N = 600 cl 1,27 1,05 1,21 2,004. ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTSIt is found that the nickel yield decreases with theincrease <strong>of</strong> the diamond nanoparticles concentration inthe electrolyte. The Ni yield acquires its highest values<strong>of</strong> about 12.0 mg/cm 2 at diamond nanoparticlesconcentration C NDDS = 1g/l, current density I = 3 A/dm 2and process duration t = 10 min.It is found also that the microhardness <strong>of</strong> the coatingat concentration <strong>of</strong> the diamond nanoparticles C NDDS =1g/l is 4800 МPa or 2.5 times more than that <strong>of</strong> purenickel coating (1950 MPa) and 1.7 times more than that<strong>of</strong> coating at concentration <strong>of</strong> the diamond nanoparticlesC NDDS = 5 g/l (2800МPа).The increase <strong>of</strong> the abrasive wear with the frictiondistance has nonlinear character and is different for thedifferent coatings. This relation is linear only for coatingderived from electrolyte with diamond nanoparticlesconcentration 5 %.The abrasive wear rate is not constant value in time.The only exception is coating obtained from electrolytewith diamond nanoparticles concentration 10 %.The presence <strong>of</strong> diamond nanoparticles in theelectrochemical nickel coatings leads to increase <strong>of</strong> thewear resistance. The wear resistance is increased withthe increase <strong>of</strong> the diamond nanoparticles content in theelectrolyte and the relation is <strong>of</strong> nonlinear character.Coating with 20 % content <strong>of</strong> diamond nanoparticlespossesses the highest wear resistance – 52,1.10 -6 at N =600 cycles. This wear resistance is 2 times higher thanthe wear resistance <strong>of</strong> coating without nanoparticles.Out <strong>of</strong> the studied coatings the coating containing 1% nanoparticles and deposited with current density 3A/dm 2 and process duration 10 minutes possesses thelowest wear resistance.Comparing the wear resistance <strong>of</strong> the coatings obtainedat equal diamond nanoparticles concentration 1 % andcurrent density 3 A/dm 2 , the coating obtained at processduration 15 minutes has 2 times higher wear resistance.REFERENCES[1] I. Petrov, P. Detkov, A. Drovosekov, M.V. Ivanov,T. Tyler, O. Shenderova, N.P.Voznekova, Y.P.Toporov, D. Schulz: Nickel galvanic coatings codepositedwith fractions <strong>of</strong> detonationnanodiamond, Diamond and related Materials 15,pp. 2035-2038, 2006.[2] M. Kandeva, Il. Peichev, N. Kostova, K. Stoichkov,Complex Study <strong>of</strong> Surface Layers and Coatings, Journal<strong>of</strong> the Balkan Tribological Association 17, 2011.[3] M. Kandeva, D. Karastoyanov and A. Andonova,Wear and tribotermal effects <strong>of</strong> nanostructurednickel chemical coatings, Applied Mechanics andMaterials Vols. 157-158, pp 960-963, 2012.[4] БДС 14289-77, Меthod <strong>of</strong> abrasion test by frictionagainst embedded abragant grain13 th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’13 45

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