Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

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conformance to researchers’ requirements.S<strong>of</strong>tware for 3D modelling allows that beforeconstruction <strong>of</strong> the equipment to check, test, verifyand validate successful experiment’s output. Thismeans there is a possibility <strong>of</strong> predictingsuccess/failure <strong>of</strong> the experiments. The results <strong>of</strong>this prediction provide valuable significant datawhich could save, on the first place, financialresource and then time, space, people, rawmaterials, etc.The aim <strong>of</strong> this paper is to propose methodology<strong>of</strong> using s<strong>of</strong>tware for modelling tribometer whichhave to be designed and tested performingsimulation for selected parameters. The wholeprocess <strong>of</strong> testing, quality checking and finaladjusting <strong>of</strong> modular tribometer need to beconducted before construction. Every part <strong>of</strong>tribometer is compact in size, having the bestpossible characteristics for selected parameters,overcome technical difficulties and the endchecking is the tribometer functional.The paper is structured as follows: Secton 2present importance <strong>of</strong> using s<strong>of</strong>tware for 3Dmodelling. Section 3 describes one example <strong>of</strong>modular tribometer and what type <strong>of</strong> experimentcan be carried out. The conclusions are given inSection 4.2. BENEFITS OF 3D TRIBOMETERMODELLINGCAD technology is ubiquitous for diverse array<strong>of</strong> fields, particularly engineering andmanufacturing [9]. It is integral part <strong>of</strong> the everyprocess where is needed to meet some goals such asreducing design to production lead time, betterengineering analysis, additional flexibility andfaster response for design modification [8]. Allthese benefits are reflected to manipulation withdesigning parts necessary for final construction.The greatest attention is given to: dimensioning <strong>of</strong> critical parts, which arenecessary for conducting successfulexperiments resulting to relevant outputs;dimensioning <strong>of</strong> measurement parts;possibility to construct various equipmentfor different experiments mean thatmodules have been already designed forrapid design;simulations which are very important to seeif all parts <strong>of</strong> the tribometer are properlyassembled, if all system is functional or notto react in time before spending resources,before construction. simulations have another advantage,researches can see and conclude is thereany overlapping <strong>of</strong> the work areas, someerrors, mistakes and fault decisions whichare made during equipment and processdesign;predicting values <strong>of</strong> the parameters whichare selected for experimental research(normal load, viscosity, stress generated inthe contact zone due to the given force,etc.).All steps in design and construction depend onrequirements from researches and scientists whatparameters would be considered. Also, conceptualdevelopment <strong>of</strong> modules is dependant <strong>of</strong>requirements.In our case, the most important parameters werelinked with basic parameters typical for hydraulicsand its components which can be found in realindustrial systems. Also, we monitor processeswhich appear between selected pin and plate in oilenvironment. Based on this we could simulate andcalculate if the required processes are possible tomonitor and get relevant results. The mostimportant parameters for our research were: liquid resistance (in our case liquid is oil)inside the container and stress in the contact zone due to given load.In the next section will be presented onemodular tribometer designed, tested andconstructed for tribological phenomena in hydrauliccomponents (pumps, motors, cylinders and valves).3. EXAMPLE OF EXPERIMENTALEQUIPMENTThe first step is defining the type and concept <strong>of</strong>the tribometer. In our case, whole concept is basedon analysis <strong>of</strong> hydraulic components andcharacteristics <strong>of</strong> wear processes which are occur inthat kind <strong>of</strong> industrial equipment. From theliterature [10] [11] linear sliding movement andabrasive wear mechanism are the most commonand the most important in the hydrauliccomponents. Regarding this fact, pin-on-platetribometer was selected to be designed andconstructed because we had wear process betweenpin and plate in oil environment. Also, it can beable to control some <strong>of</strong> the basic tribologyparameters such as load in contact, slide length,sliding speed, liquid resistance, etc.On the figure 1 is shown model <strong>of</strong> tribometerwhich is divided in 3 bigger units: experimental unit (positions: 1, 2 3 4and 7); control unit (positions: 6 and 8) and pneumatic drive unit (position: 5)All units need to be well connected andfunctional. Potential problems with the first startingup <strong>of</strong> the constructed tribometer can be prevented13 th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’13 381

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