Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

Proceedings of SerbiaTrib '13

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which is responsible for one <strong>of</strong> the reasons for thedeviation <strong>of</strong> the real surface <strong>of</strong> the crystal from theinitially smooth and the emergence <strong>of</strong> so-callednatural roughness [3]. Such modifications <strong>of</strong>surface geometry are sub roughness, whichsignificantly exceeds the atomic scale roughnessarising at vibrations <strong>of</strong> the atoms or molecules dueto thermal fluctuations.The most appropriate criterion for selectingmaterials for the parts <strong>of</strong> tribosystems can be takenminimum value <strong>of</strong> frictional work [4].Friction work calculated by the formula [5]Wfr fFS , (2)frwhere F – normal force <strong>of</strong> friction pair elementsinteraction; f – a friction coefficient; S fr – frictiontrack.Tribosystem are open thermodynamic systemsthat exchange energy and matter with theenvironment. Friction is the process <strong>of</strong> convertingthe external mechanical energy into internal energyin the form <strong>of</strong> vibration and wave motion <strong>of</strong>particles <strong>of</strong> tribosystem followed by thermal,thermionic, acoustic, and other phenomena. Most <strong>of</strong>this energy is converted into heat and is given to theenvironment, the other - is to change the physicaland chemical state <strong>of</strong> the surface layers <strong>of</strong> thematerial. Dissipation <strong>of</strong> energy corresponds to anincrease <strong>of</strong> entropy (dS > 0).Energy balance <strong>of</strong> tribosystem according to thefirst law <strong>of</strong> thermodynamics describes by theequation.Wfr q W. (3)where q – energy <strong>of</strong> heat exchange with theenvironment, ΔW – change <strong>of</strong> internal energy is thesum <strong>of</strong> the energy used to change the structure <strong>of</strong>the material and energy <strong>of</strong> heating.At the same time, the work <strong>of</strong> the friction forceis the sum <strong>of</strong> the work <strong>of</strong> plastic deformation,hysteresis loss and the elastic deformation <strong>of</strong> thedispersion, that is, the work expended in theformation <strong>of</strong> new surfaces and associated with thesurface energy <strong>of</strong> solids [6, 7].The basis <strong>of</strong> the thermodynamic approach t<strong>of</strong>racture and wear <strong>of</strong> solids is energy mechanicalanalogy (deformation) and thermal (melting andsublimation) <strong>of</strong> failure.The energy spent on the deformation andfracture <strong>of</strong> solid bodies, compared with one <strong>of</strong> thethermodynamic characteristics <strong>of</strong> the material (heat<strong>of</strong> sublimation enthalpy <strong>of</strong> the solid and liquid state,latent heat <strong>of</strong> fusion). In this case, it is assumed thatthermodynamic properties are independent <strong>of</strong> thestructure <strong>of</strong> the material. The body is treated as acontinuous, homogeneous, isotropic medium with astatistically uniformly distributed structuralelements.Plastic deformation is considered as acombination <strong>of</strong> a large number <strong>of</strong> acts <strong>of</strong>microscopic atomic-molecular rearrangementsassociated with the generation <strong>of</strong> sources <strong>of</strong>deformation (dislocations).Plastic deformation <strong>of</strong> the surface temperaturebelow the recrystallization temperature leads towork hardening <strong>of</strong> the surface layer and itsstrengthening. At widely differing hardnessstructural components <strong>of</strong> the material and repeatedexposure <strong>of</strong> loading occurs initially high wear <strong>of</strong>s<strong>of</strong>t base; specific pressures acting on the solidcomponent thereby increasing, solid componentsare pressed into a s<strong>of</strong>t base, some <strong>of</strong> them arebroken up and moved further under the forces <strong>of</strong>friction. As a result <strong>of</strong> such selective wear surfaceenriched solid structural components and gets stitchstructure that during wear <strong>of</strong> babbit, for example,according to research <strong>of</strong> M. M. Khrushchov andA. L. Kuritsyna [8].As a result <strong>of</strong> the interaction <strong>of</strong> the interfacedparts new surfaces are formed, which is followedby the energy release, γ ef , consumed for itsforming [6]: f F,Rz HV , (4)ef ,where F – the normal force <strong>of</strong> friction pair elementsinteraction; Rz – ten point height <strong>of</strong>irregularities [9].Rough surface can be considered as a set <strong>of</strong>irregularities randomly located on a perfect surfaceand having a random size, in other words, as therealization <strong>of</strong> the random field. This approachmakes it possible to represent the surface as a scalarrandom function [10]z = z(t, ω), (5)where the parameter t runs through the set <strong>of</strong> values<strong>of</strong> T, defined by the spatial arrangement <strong>of</strong> therough surface; ω – elementary event <strong>of</strong> aprobability space Ω.To determine the surface characteristics requiredfor calculations in tribology, <strong>of</strong>ten enoughknowledge only first two derivatives <strong>of</strong> the functionz(t, ω). Thus there is a need to calculate the density<strong>of</strong> the joint distribution <strong>of</strong> several random variables.Quantify the contact <strong>of</strong> rough surfaces is animportant step in the development <strong>of</strong> physicalmodels <strong>of</strong> frictional interaction. It requiresconsideration <strong>of</strong> both the characteristics <strong>of</strong> theroughness, and the specific properties <strong>of</strong> thecontacting bodies, depending on their internalstructure, loading time and environmentalconditions.196 13 th International Conference on Tribology – Serbiatrib’13

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