A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

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less<strong>on</strong>s unlearned 103oranges into a single new fruit. In the case of carb<strong>on</strong> dumps, this becomespossible <strong>on</strong>ly by misreading the radical uncertainties, scalesand irreversibilities c<strong>on</strong>nected with the climate system and c<strong>on</strong>fusingsurvival with ec<strong>on</strong>omic benefit (see Chapter 1). As a result, it’sgoing to be harder to make sense of using greenhouse gas emissi<strong>on</strong>strading to create ‘efficiencies’ in abating climate change, even underideal c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, than it was to make sense of using sulphur dioxidetrading to create ‘efficiencies’ in attaining a given numerical emissi<strong>on</strong>starget.Emissi<strong>on</strong>s trading becomes ‘efficient’ in additi<strong>on</strong>, <strong>on</strong>ly by commensuratingemissi<strong>on</strong>s at <strong>on</strong>e place or time with emissi<strong>on</strong>s at anotherplace or time, shifting emissi<strong>on</strong>s cuts around over a wide area and extendedtime period so that they can be made wherever and wheneverthey are cheapest. It makes <strong>on</strong>e place equivalent to another place and<strong>on</strong>e time equivalent to another time.So? What’s the problem? That’s a virtue, isn’t it? The earth’s carb<strong>on</strong> dumpstraddles all political and geographical borders. The atmosphere is c<strong>on</strong>stantlymixing <strong>on</strong> a global scale. Whether you cut emissi<strong>on</strong>s in Tomsk or Toledo, theatmospheric results are the same. Assuming we can perform the measurements,emissi<strong>on</strong>s trading is <strong>on</strong>e way of recognising this reality. The climate doesn’t carewhere we make our cuts, as l<strong>on</strong>g as we make them.No, actually, that’s wr<strong>on</strong>g. It does matter to the climate where cutsare made.What are you talking about? A <strong>on</strong>e-t<strong>on</strong>ne CO 2 cut in Tomsk has the sameclimatic eff ect as a <strong>on</strong>e-t<strong>on</strong>ne CO 2 cut in Toledo. A t<strong>on</strong>ne is a t<strong>on</strong>ne is a t<strong>on</strong>ne.That’s just basic science, isn’t it?Of course. But widen your visi<strong>on</strong> a bit. Doing what is necessary to cut<strong>on</strong>e t<strong>on</strong>ne in Tomsk tomorrow may result in different future emissi<strong>on</strong>sthan doing what is necessary to cut <strong>on</strong>e t<strong>on</strong>ne in Toledo tomorrow.The cut made in Tomsk may be the result of a radical new renewableenergy technology or way of organising social life that will lead tovastly multiplied future cuts, whereas the equal cut made in Toledomay be a routine efficiency improvement that should have been madel<strong>on</strong>g ago and leads to nothing else. Where – and when – cuts aremade is likely to have knock-<strong>on</strong> effects. How cuts are made now willhave an influence <strong>on</strong> how much can be cut in the future.Precisely because it treats all <strong>on</strong>e-t<strong>on</strong>ne cuts as the same no matterwhere and how they occur, and results in the cheapest cuts beingmade first, emissi<strong>on</strong>s trading runs the risk of delaying progressin dealing with global warming. Instead of encouraging the type of

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