A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

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less<strong>on</strong>s unlearned 163subtropical carb<strong>on</strong> plantati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> timberland management in temperateregi<strong>on</strong>s could be satisfactorily quantified years in advance. 369 TheIPCC’s panel <strong>on</strong> land use <strong>on</strong>ce tied itself in knots trying to figureout how carb<strong>on</strong> credits might be given out for good c<strong>on</strong>servati<strong>on</strong>istpolicies. Eventually the panel decided that since ‘quantifying theimpact of policies themselves is unlikely to be feasible’, measurementattempts should c<strong>on</strong>fine themselves to the apparently easier task offinding out how much carb<strong>on</strong> is taken up in specific projects. This, ofcourse, landed them back in trouble, since the emissi<strong>on</strong>s baseline ofany given project will vary under different policies.But surely reality must be catching up with these fantasies of quantifying theunquantifi able?Yes, but it’s taking a while. Because the job of measuring the climaticbenefits of carb<strong>on</strong>-saving projects is permanently impossible, themore seriously experts try to carry it out, the more complicated andfanciful – and hard to untangle – their techniques get. 370 Like roguetrader Nick Lees<strong>on</strong> trying to cover his tracks at Barings Bank, carb<strong>on</strong>c<strong>on</strong>sultants pile complexity <strong>on</strong> complexity in an ultimately fruitlessattempt to evade the inevitable reck<strong>on</strong>ing. That, of course, jacks upthe ‘transacti<strong>on</strong> costs’ of doing the projects. 371Sequestering Carb<strong>on</strong> or Fiddling Data?In 2005, a template document for BioCarb<strong>on</strong>Fundproject developers to use to estimatesequestrati<strong>on</strong> rates was posted <strong>on</strong>the World Bank’s carb<strong>on</strong> finance website.Examples were helpfully provided to illustratehow to fill in certain fields.In the field ‘c<strong>on</strong>tact (preferably email)’ appearedthe sample entry‘fred@data_fiddling_Inc.jail.com’.Small projects lose outThe escalati<strong>on</strong> of transacti<strong>on</strong> costs is <strong>on</strong>e reas<strong>on</strong> that communityfriendlyrenewable-energy carb<strong>on</strong> projects that generate few creditslose out. Particularly threatened are CDM projects attempting tocompensate for less than 50,000 t<strong>on</strong>nes of CO 2 -equivalent emissi<strong>on</strong>sper year. 372 Transacti<strong>on</strong> costs for some prospective micro-schemeswould run to a prohibitive several hundred Euros per t<strong>on</strong>ne of CO 2equivalent, at a time when the average price of CDM credits is runningat less than €7.

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