A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

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offsets – the fossil ec<strong>on</strong>omy’s new arena of c<strong>on</strong>flict 241Farms for low technical standards and demanded that the company‘do some real investment to produce quality tree stands’. 33The eucalyptus plantati<strong>on</strong>s have also suffered termite attacks. By2001, the Tree Farms project was way behind schedule and sufferingfrom lack of funds. To raise some quick m<strong>on</strong>ey, the company waseven forced to clear 50 hectares for commercial maize crops, arousingfurther criticism from the forestry authorities.But is the project at least storing some carb<strong>on</strong>?Tree Farms’ original management plan called for their plantati<strong>on</strong>s inthe Bukaleba reserve to cover some 4,260 hectares of the company’stotal area of 5,160 hectares by 2005. The firm anticipated being ableto sell 500 t<strong>on</strong>nes of CO 2 credits per hectare, or 2.13 milli<strong>on</strong> t<strong>on</strong>nesof carb<strong>on</strong> dioxide in all. 34 The accounting that resulted in this figurewas wildly optimistic.For <strong>on</strong>e thing, proper carb<strong>on</strong> accounting for the project would requirefollowing around thousands of evictees, many of whom wouldprobably have to clear land elsewhere, resulting in carb<strong>on</strong> emissi<strong>on</strong>sattributable to Tree Farms. This would be impossible, particularly ina country such as Uganda, where poverty, landlessness, and politicalinstability keep people c<strong>on</strong>stantly moving from <strong>on</strong>e end of the countryto the other.For another, advance sale of carb<strong>on</strong> credits would require that thel<strong>on</strong>g-term political future of Bukaleba be known in advance, so thatany re-invasi<strong>on</strong> of the area could be predicted and its effects <strong>on</strong> carb<strong>on</strong>storage precisely quantified and insured against or compensatedfor. No basis exists for deriving numbers of this sort.The future investment climate for such projects would also have to becalculated, as well as the probability of fires; the ecological effects ofplantati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> local patches of native vegetati<strong>on</strong> through hydrologicalor other changes; the soil carb<strong>on</strong> loss attributable to clearing, ploughingand erosi<strong>on</strong> caused by the project. 35 Even to attempt to do all thiswould drive the costs of the project through the roof.If the original easy numbers posited by Tree Farms were accepted bythe market, however, they would translate into carb<strong>on</strong> profits of theorder of usd 10 milli<strong>on</strong>, well over a dozen times Tree Farms’ outlay<strong>on</strong> land. This would not include possible income from timber andwood sales. Turning Bukaleba into a Norwegian carb<strong>on</strong> plantati<strong>on</strong>,more over, would mean that its lands would not be available for l<strong>on</strong>gperiods either for agriculture or for plumping up Uganda’s own carb<strong>on</strong>accounts.

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