A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

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ways forward 349be answered in the first instance with another questi<strong>on</strong>: ‘Alternativefor whom?’ The alternative that a denizen of the ‘dumbbell world’ islooking for may not be the <strong>on</strong>e that a corporate executive is likely toaccept – nor a villager in India.Defining the climate crisis, in good ‘dumbbell world’ fashi<strong>on</strong>, as aproblem to be solved through indefinite capital accumulati<strong>on</strong>, statesubsidies for large corporati<strong>on</strong>s and c<strong>on</strong>sultants, transnati<strong>on</strong>al capitalflows, internati<strong>on</strong>al trade and nati<strong>on</strong>al ‘development’, makes italmost impossible to c<strong>on</strong>nect top-down emissi<strong>on</strong>s targets with supportfor effective acti<strong>on</strong>s at the local level. It also tends to threatenthe reserves of flexibility many communities will need to preservein order to adapt to the degree of climate change that is already inevitable.As researcher R.W. Kates puts it: ‘If the global poor are toadapt to global change, it will be critical to focus <strong>on</strong> poor people andnot <strong>on</strong> poor countries as does the prevailing North-South dialogue.The interests of the poor are not always the same as the interests ofpoor countries, since in the interests of “development”, the poor maygrow poorer.’ 71Anthropologist and development specialist Michael Thomps<strong>on</strong> andhis colleagues put it in slightly different terms: ‘…the <strong>on</strong>ly frameworksthat can tell you anything about the likely efficacy of a policyare those at the most local level… What is needed is…an approachthat places the “mere details”…at the very centre of the stage and relegatesto the wings the alarm bell-ringers and their immaculate prescripti<strong>on</strong>s…’72C<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>: decentring climate politicsRadical university scholars are sometimes ridiculed for the funnywords they use. But behind some of their words lurk useful ideas.One such word is ‘decentring’.The old standard elite university curricula, many radical academicssay, should perhaps not be thrown out, but rather ‘decentred’: modifiedand expanded to include suppressed voices and achievements.Traditi<strong>on</strong>al fields of study should not be aband<strong>on</strong>ed, but supplementedand opened up to critique from outsiders with different stakes inthe issues, in the way Indian thinkers have been able to ‘digest’ col<strong>on</strong>ialism,73 Colombian peasants to rework early European ec<strong>on</strong>omicthinking for their own purposes 74 and feminists to get under the skinof the biases shaping the work of a Locke or Malthus.This is perhaps the way that the climate change literature now spilling<strong>on</strong>to the pages of newspapers worldwide has to be thought about.

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