A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

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194 development dialogue september 2006 – carb<strong>on</strong> tradingsor Lisa Heinzerling points out, the US C<strong>on</strong>gress didn’t debate howmuch emissi<strong>on</strong>s should be cut or how badly sulphur dioxide was affectingforests, streams and lakes. Instead, C<strong>on</strong>gress merely acceptedthe emissi<strong>on</strong>s cut originally proposed to it and occupied itself withdividing up the rights to pollute that it was giving away in a waythat would best satisfy influential business interests. Al<strong>on</strong>g the way ithanded out special favours to, am<strong>on</strong>g others, the high-sulphur coalindustry, a powerful lobby group, by providing extra incentives touse scrubbers – thus c<strong>on</strong>tradicting the claim of trading enthusiaststhat the scheme would give polluters the freedom to choose means ofc<strong>on</strong>trolling their polluti<strong>on</strong>. As Robert Glicksman and Christopher H.Schroeder note, legislators seemed to see ‘little distincti<strong>on</strong> betweenthe Clean Air Act and a fight over which defence installati<strong>on</strong> to close,or an appropriati<strong>on</strong> for public works project. The pork tastes as good,from whichever barrel it comes.’ 452 Alternatives to giving rights awayfree to high-polluting corporati<strong>on</strong>s were also little discussed, thoughif they had been, the c<strong>on</strong>troversy could have been intense.As noted above, discussi<strong>on</strong> of social goals has also taken a back seat tohorse-trading during the implementati<strong>on</strong> of the EU Emissi<strong>on</strong>s TradingSystem. And the market in CDM and JI credits is likewise unfriendlyto democratic discussi<strong>on</strong> of social goals, including emissi<strong>on</strong>s cuts.Unfriendly in what ways?Well, for <strong>on</strong>e thing, any<strong>on</strong>e wanting to comment <strong>on</strong> planning documentsfor CDM projects (for example) has to learn English, find acomputer, log <strong>on</strong>to a website, register, and then navigate hundreds ofpages of technical jarg<strong>on</strong>, usually under a tight deadline. CDM commentforms provide no spaces for discussing the reliability of the implementingcompanies or the indeterminacy and scientific ig norancethat stand in the way of the projects’ being verifiably climatically effective.Nor are there spaces for questi<strong>on</strong>ing the ubiquitous assumpti<strong>on</strong>that such projects produce ‘emissi<strong>on</strong>s reducti<strong>on</strong>s’. 453 As <strong>on</strong>e Indiansocial activist remarked <strong>on</strong> being c<strong>on</strong>fr<strong>on</strong>ted with an officialUN form for submitting comments <strong>on</strong> a CDM project, ‘the form forpublic input is so full of technicalities there seems to be no space forgeneral comments’. 454By their sheer bulk and repetitiveness, such documents entrench a‘mainstream’ discussi<strong>on</strong> about climate change that sidelines thinkingabout how to halt the flow of fossil fuels out of the ground and limitsthe political choices a society can make to small, incremental variati<strong>on</strong>s<strong>on</strong> business as usual. As Adil Najam and colleagues c<strong>on</strong>cludedin 2003, ‘There is a danger that Kyoto has now become so much of amechanism for managing global carb<strong>on</strong> trade that emissi<strong>on</strong> cuts for

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