A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

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offsets – the fossil ec<strong>on</strong>omy’s new arena of c<strong>on</strong>flict 247Costa Rica –‘Envir<strong>on</strong>mental services’ pi<strong>on</strong>eerCosta Rica has always beenNicaragua<strong>on</strong>e of the countries in LatinAmerica keenest to host carb<strong>on</strong>forestry projects and other‘envir<strong>on</strong>mental services’ marketschemes. In the mid-1990s,Costa Ricalooking for new ways to derivevalue from its forests, it decidedto become the first countryto bring its own governmentbackedand -certified carb<strong>on</strong>for estry credits into the globalmarket, 45 and even before Kyoto was signed was selling them to theNorwegian government and Norwegian and US corporati<strong>on</strong>s.PanamaTo work <strong>on</strong> the scheme, Costa Rica hired Pedro Moura-Costa, a Brazilianforester with experience in early Malaysian carb<strong>on</strong> forestry projectsbacked by New England Power of the US and The Netherlands’ FACE(see ’From The Netherlands to the Andes – A tale from Ecuador’ and‘The story c<strong>on</strong>tinues – Carb<strong>on</strong> forestry in Uganda’). Moura-Costain turn c<strong>on</strong>vinced Societé Générale de Surveillance (SGS), <strong>on</strong>e theworld‘s leading testing, inspecti<strong>on</strong> and certificati<strong>on</strong> companies, to useCosta Rica as a test site for learning how to make m<strong>on</strong>ey as a carb<strong>on</strong>credit certifier. On the back of his own experience, Moura-Costa thenset up a new carb<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>sultancy, EcoSecurities.Also significant was an early Costa Rican project called CARFIX, implementedby the voluntary organisati<strong>on</strong> Fundación para el Desarrollode la Cordillera Volcanica Central and funded by US Aid for Internati<strong>on</strong>alDevelopment (USAID), the Global Envir<strong>on</strong>mental Facility andNorwegian financiers. CARFIX earned its North American sp<strong>on</strong>sorscarb<strong>on</strong> credits by promoting ‘sustainable logging’ and tree plantati<strong>on</strong>s<strong>on</strong> ‘grazed or degraded lands’, claiming to provide local people withincome they would otherwise have to earn through export agricultureand cattle producti<strong>on</strong> that endangers forests. 46 Following the emergenceof the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, Costa Rica pushed for the certificati<strong>on</strong>techniques it had pi<strong>on</strong>eered to be adopted around the globe, andsigned further carb<strong>on</strong> deals with Switzerland and Finland.Costa Rica’s enthusiasm for carb<strong>on</strong> off set projects seems to suggest that thereare a lot of benefi ts in this market for the South, after all.

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