A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

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114 development dialogue september 2006 – carb<strong>on</strong> tradingAgain, look at home insulati<strong>on</strong> in most states; generally average levelsof attic insulati<strong>on</strong> hover around the minimum state regulati<strong>on</strong>srequire; a few people may get more, a few are [allowed to makedo with] less; but within a few percentage points, regulatory minimumsare a fair predictor of actual insulati<strong>on</strong>. In European Uni<strong>on</strong>nati<strong>on</strong>s, regulati<strong>on</strong> and public spending (especially <strong>on</strong> rail) are betterpredictors of carb<strong>on</strong> efficiency than price policies. Again, this is notto say that raising the price of energy does not reduce use; merelythat regulati<strong>on</strong> and public works do so more quickly, more efficientlyand with fewer unintended c<strong>on</strong>sequences. 184In the EU ETS, prices for emissi<strong>on</strong>s allowances are currently beingdriven by increases in the price of natural gas, or, more fundamentally,the cost of shifting from coal to natural gas – and also by weather.185 Even relatively high allowance prices can do little more thanprovide a moderate disincentive to shift from gas to coal in resp<strong>on</strong>seto high gas prices. The UK firm Enviros says that even carb<strong>on</strong> permitprices of €50 per t<strong>on</strong>ne are unlikely to ‘provide the stimulus necessary’for firms to invest ‘to drive down greenhouse gases’. 186One weakness of carb<strong>on</strong> permit prices as drivers of change is that theyare likely to be ‘extremely volatile because of the complete inelasticityof supply of permits’ al<strong>on</strong>g with ‘inelastic demand for permitsin the short run’. 187 In the US, ‘sulphur dioxide trading prices havevaried from a low of usd 70 per t<strong>on</strong> in 1996 to usd 1500 per t<strong>on</strong> inlate 2005. Sulphur dioxide allowances have a m<strong>on</strong>thly volatility of 10percent and an annual volatility of 43 percent over the last decade’.In Los Angeles’s RECLAIM trading scheme, NO x prices suddenlywent through the roof in 2001 due to industry procrastinati<strong>on</strong>, a hotsummer, and a cutoff of supplies of electricity purchased from outof-state.The price of the right to emit <strong>on</strong>e pound of nitrogen oxidezoomed from usd 0.13 in 1999 to usd 37 in July 2001, before settlingback to usd 13 in September 2001. 188 In 2005 and 2006, EU ETS pricesfor carb<strong>on</strong> dioxide jiggled over a wide range between €7 and €30before crashing to €9 in May 2006. According to Vincent de Rivaz,Chief Executive of EDF Energy in the UK, ‘the l<strong>on</strong>g-term price oftradable emissi<strong>on</strong>s allowances is too uncertain to be a driver of systemictechnological change in an industry whose generating capacityinvestments must be planned over 30-year periods’. 189Yale University ec<strong>on</strong>omist William D. Nordhaus warns that suchvolatility might make trading ‘extremely unpopular with market participantsand ec<strong>on</strong>omic policymakers’ if it caused ‘significant changesin infl ati<strong>on</strong> rates, energy prices, and import and export values’. Ananalogy would be the volatile prices associated with the ‘peaking’ ofoil producti<strong>on</strong>, which are not expected to provide signals that could

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