A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

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188 development dialogue september 2006 – carb<strong>on</strong> tradingbusiness-as-usual forest management’, ‘temporary carb<strong>on</strong> sinks’ andbogus emissi<strong>on</strong> ‘reducti<strong>on</strong>s arising from a “fortunate” choice of baseyear.’ 439 Carb<strong>on</strong> trading hasn’t made the bullet of emissi<strong>on</strong>s reducti<strong>on</strong>smuch easier to bite than it was to begin with.Each Kyoto signatory knows, moreover, that both it and its fellowsignatories have str<strong>on</strong>g short-term ec<strong>on</strong>omic incentives to look theother way when firms exceed their emissi<strong>on</strong>s targets. That makesdefault even more tempting. 440 Many observers have doubts whetherKyoto-like agreements can survive after 2012 anyway.As polluti<strong>on</strong> trading expert Ruth <strong>Green</strong>span Bell observes, it is‘highly unlikely that anything approximating the rigour of the US[sulphur dioxide] trading system can be devised to c<strong>on</strong>trol climatechange worldwide’ in the future even if measurement of emissi<strong>on</strong>swere possible, since countries tend to see internati<strong>on</strong>al oversight asa ‘threat to their sovereignty’. 441 They are likely to withdraw from atreaty whose c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s are too <strong>on</strong>erous, or simply accept the penaltiesimposed by a lax agreement.Not that the US itself is exactly a model for ‘rigour’ in this respect.No. As ec<strong>on</strong>omist William D. Nordhaus notes, ‘the accounting scandalsof the last decade have not been limited to dollar scandals,’ but‘have also spilled over into emissi<strong>on</strong>s markets.’ 442 <strong>Green</strong>span Bell herselfhas documented the case of PSEG Fossil LLC, the biggest playerin New Jersey’s emissi<strong>on</strong>s trading system, which apparently had notinstalled necessary polluti<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>trols or obtained proper permits:The US Justice Department discovered this and brought an enforcementacti<strong>on</strong>, which was resolved in the form of a c<strong>on</strong>sent decree.PSEG, without admitting any wr<strong>on</strong>gdoing, agreed to stopselling its credits to other firms and to stay out of the trading system.When PSEG was forced to withdraw, its sheer size and statusas <strong>on</strong>e of the largest “suppliers” of credits in New Jersey broughtthat state’s system close to collapse. 443It makes you w<strong>on</strong>der what kind of fraud lies ahead for the world carb<strong>on</strong> market.Yes. ‘Such cheating,’ Nordhaus c<strong>on</strong>cludes, ‘will probably be pandemicin an emissi<strong>on</strong>s trading system that involves large sums of m<strong>on</strong>ey.’ Heobserves that whereas in a tax system, the government has an incentiveto try to ensure taxes are paid, in an emissi<strong>on</strong>s trading system, bothbuyers and sellers can afford to be indifferent to whether reducti<strong>on</strong>shave actually been made. Tax evasi<strong>on</strong> in the US is <strong>on</strong> the order of 10 or20 percent of taxes due. Given the incentives and the lack of adequatemeans of quantificati<strong>on</strong>, it is hard to put an upper limit <strong>on</strong> the extent

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