A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

A Critical Conversation on Climate Change ... - Green Choices

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234 development dialogue september 2006 – carb<strong>on</strong> tradingpicking up <strong>on</strong>ly the costs of seedlings. The community has also hadto take resp<strong>on</strong>sibility for replanting, due to maladapted trees dying.Yet the 20 per cent of the funds that should have been disbursed to thecommunity three years after the c<strong>on</strong>tract was signed in 1998 have stillnot been received. And the plantati<strong>on</strong> has to be maintained for nearly15 more years until harvest. To top it off, if the community decidesnot to c<strong>on</strong>tinue carrying out PROFAFOR’s plantati<strong>on</strong> work at thattime, it must hand over 30 per cent of the income from the sale of thetimber to the company.In a workshop c<strong>on</strong>ducted with SigSig residents, an attempt was made todraw up a balance, showing how much the community had gained andlost from its agreement with PROFAFOR, although much of what thecommunity put into the plantati<strong>on</strong>s cannot be satisfactorily quantified,such as the minga and the work of the community leaders. Calculati<strong>on</strong>swere made for plotting, dibbling, firebreaks, right of way, replanting,seedlings, maintenance, management, training and so forth.The community c<strong>on</strong>cluded that, even without taking account of thevalue of the envir<strong>on</strong>mental liabilities the project has saddled local inhabitantswith, or the cost of the plantati<strong>on</strong>s for another 15 years interms of labour, inputs, insurance, security, tools, harvest and timbermarketing, its losses already amount to over usd 10,000.Isn’t there anything the community can do to save the situati<strong>on</strong>?PROFAFOR has a lot of power in this c<strong>on</strong>text. Once a c<strong>on</strong>tract issigned, there isn’t much communities can do to modify it, even when,as in SigSig, the agreement with the company was signed by <strong>on</strong>ly 50community members when there were over 200 registered. 20PROFAFOR can even claim payment of compensati<strong>on</strong> if its staff decidesthat a community has not fulfilled its obligati<strong>on</strong>s. This compensati<strong>on</strong>can amount to up to triple the original payments to the communities,or many tens of thousands of dollars (see Table 6, below).One villager reported: ‘When I told the engineer Franco C<strong>on</strong>doythat we wanted to undo this agreement, he told us: “You cannot ridyourselves of the agreement, the commune is mortgaged.”’According to Ecuadorian law, C<strong>on</strong>doy is wr<strong>on</strong>g. Communal propertyof indigenous communities is not subject to mortgages or landtax. Mortgages can <strong>on</strong>ly be c<strong>on</strong>tracted with private estate and landholders,individuals or corporate bodies.‘We made an assessmentand…it was like a bucketof cold water. On doingour accounts, we realisedhow much m<strong>on</strong>ey we haveput in, and the trees arestill small…Although wehave no m<strong>on</strong>ey left…wehave to look for a wardento look after the plantsand pay him, we haveto prune, we have to putdown manure, all the careand then the harvest…weourselves have to fi nd a[timber] market… Howis that?! We are depletingour land, we are providinglabour, doing harvestingand also giving 30 per cent.’SigSig community member

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