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1) The strong engagement and the support from the funding organization are instrumental in the development and theimplementation of a KT framework of practice.2) The active implication of the Knowledge Transfer advisor in all research team activities (including the determination of theresearch agenda, scientific/non-scientific activities and knowledge transfer activities related to the dissemination of results.).The role of the Knowledge Transfer advisor must be tailored to the research agenda to maximize its contribution in eachresearch project.3) The active participation and involvement of stakeholders/end users throughout the research process (by the establishment ofa follow-up committee) is mandatory to create an environment conducive to the exchange, dissemination and use of results thatanswer the real needs of workplaces.4) To make available funding and resources for researchers. To have researchers acknowledge for KT activities to take place bythe granting organization and research organizations . Moreover, academic evaluations (by their home organization) should takeinto consideration KT activities being carried out in addition to the production of the scientific papers and conferences.5) To establish KT practices and ensure that they are based on solid, frequent and ongoing interactions between researchersand users, the Knowledge Transfer advisor can develop and maintain the stakeholders' network for the researcher' team.6) The Knowledge Transfer advisor needs to find ways to measure/appreciate outcomes of KT activities with stakeholders.Since the establishment of these conditions and the application of the six key drivers, the results of KT increased, have evolvedand changed in order to better meet the realities and needs of partners, both scientific and social.Jacobson, N. et al. Organizational Factors that Influence University-Based Researchers' Engagement in Knowledge TransferActivities, Science Communication 2004; 25 (3), 246-259.Charles Gagné, Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST), Montreal, CanadaMadrid, October 20, 21 & 22 - 2010105

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