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P-005Management of Intellectual Property at universities - how to get closer toindustries and profit from public policiesLuciana Goulart De Oliveira, Jeziel da Silva Nunes, National Institute of Industrial Property, BrazilAlthough the relevance and importance assumed by Intellectual Property in a connected world in the last thirty years, the themein Brazil is still less divulged than it will be necessary to promote technological and economic development, and the protectionit can give is hardly known by the various segments of our society, because the dissemination of its characteristics and ruleshave been, only in the last decade, receiving a comprehensive approach by the government agencies entitled to execute thelaw, in order to achieve best results concerning human creations. But as Brazil strives to increase his local and internationalcompetitiveness, some policies are being implemented in order to strengthen the innovative capacity of the country.The institutions of higher education in Brazil present a particular scenario concerning the aspects of science and technologyand, in consequence, the use of intellectual property system. On one hand they are competent and efficient in their role for theformation of qualified human resources, putting Brazil in the 15 position in the ranking of scientific articles published in specializedinternational magazines, with something near 2% of all the papers published, according data from 2006 (OECD, 2006).Nevertheless, the appropriation of the technologies generated internally at universities does not cope with this rhythm, especiallybecause of the enormous obscurity of Intellectual Property themes and, especially, the patent system. But this reality is deeplydamaging when we verify that the biggest investment effected in research in the country comes from government funding and,worse, the money invested does not return to society by means of technology transfer, the establishment of new enterprises,creation of new jobs, modification of quality of life for all the citizens, expansion of communities and integration of regions.Within this context the aim of the study is to present data about the search for patents effected by the Brazilian institutions ofhigher education in the period comprised between 2000 and 2004 and how innovation public policies, such as the InnovationLaw, enacted in 2005, and the creation of mechanisms to develop partnership between universities and enterprises couldstimulate the appropriation of technologies generated by researchers at universities and the transfer of results to society, inorder to modify the pattern and quality of life in the cities around the institutions. One second aspect to be analyzed and shownin a complete form is the example of Campinas University – UNICAMP, in São Paulo, and the Federal University of Minas Gerais- UFMG, both universities created agencies to manage not only the process of appropriating the technologies generated insidebut also the process of licensing for diverse private sectors, mainly enterprises located in their neighborhoods. Besides, theseagencies also help in partnerships between university research groups and private sector companies and carries out otheractivities such as the search for financing and company incubators. These two universities knew, for old experiences, that theintegration university/enterprise needed a special interface to cope with the different missions, visions, languages, expectationsand limits carried by these actors. And the results of this new approach can be seen by the appearance of new firms, poles oftechnology and competences, not only of researchers but also new entrepreneurs, who came from incubated junior companies.The methodology of this study was based in collecting patent data at the database of the Brazilian Institute of IndustrialProperty (INPI/BR) in the period comprised between 2000 and 2004, using proper keywords to recover the higher educationinstitutions owning patent applications filed in Brazil, the data being analyzed using a software developed in-house, whichturned possible to construct graphics and tables disclosing some elements extremely important regarding future public policiesand design of priorities.Some important conclusions have been derived from this study as the technological concentration area of the researchesimplemented at the universities, the regional distribution of the patent applications filed within INPI, the identification of thebiggest owners of patent applications beyond the institutions of higher education, as well as the relation between researcher/patent and the existence of partnership. Another relevant conclusion that could be drawn is the existence of positive intellectualproperty management policies implemented by the institutions, turning into concrete actions the transfer of technology toenterprises and carrying benefices and life improvements to the cities of their neighborhood.It is definitely important to recover patent data and use it in order to build public policies aiming to strength partnerships betweenuniversities, enterprises, government institutions and society organizations and, thus, creating opportunities for the benefit ofresearches and teaching activity and contributing to the economic, technological and social development of the country and,specially, the regions where the universities are locatedReferences:1) Nunes, J e Goulart, L.O, 2007, “Universidades Brasileiras – Utilização do Sistema de Patentes de 2000 a 2004”, INPI, Rio deJaneiro, available at: http://www.inpi.gov.br/menu-esquerdo/informacao/estudos_html2) Nunes, J, Goulart L., Barcelos, S., 2008; “The use of patent documentation information in the engineering teaching andacademic research”, ENCIT 2008, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.3) OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Economic Surveys: Brazil. OECD Publishing, v 2006/18,Nov.2006.Madrid, October 20, 21 & 22 - 2010125

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