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P-035Toward an analytical framework for Nanotechnology Network Governance–Some evidences of the Brazilian case.Mercy Escalante Ludena, University of São Paulo, BrazilJosé de Jesús Pérez Alcázar, Esteban Tuesta, University of São Paulo- EACH, BrazilNanotechnology is considered the technology of this century because their high potential and impact in the different economicactivities. Thence one critical element for the development and sustainability of this technology are the networks (Bozeman, etal 2007). In this area, the collaborative and transdisciplinary work is fundamental.Countries around the world have been making strong investments in Nano technology and specially deploying funds forimplementing national networks In this sense they pretend fortify their national innovation systems with positive impact in theireconomic and social development. (Maclurkan, 2005). Brazil is not exception, so this country since 2001 comes developingdifferent efforts to establish nanotechnology and their networks as strategic issues. (NNI, 2006) Nowadays exist more thaneleven segments of this network dedicated to the exploration and exploitation of nanotechnology, inclusively several productshave been commercializedIn front of this, each more practitioners and policy makers are interested in the management and specially in one topic, in theirgovernance and impact of the performance of this kind of networks. Unfortunately the research about this issue is scarce.. Existin the literature some exceptions, but they are fragmented visions and not necessarily with focus to Nanotechnology.. Inclusivelyexist some approaches against the network governance, because networks are not legal entities (Ness, et al, 2005; Provan etal 2007; Moller et al, 2005 )..But according (Provan et al, 2007; in our opinion some form of governance is necessary to ensure that participants engage incollective and mutually supportive action, that conflict is addressed, and that network resources are acquired and utilizedefficiently and effectively. The focus on governance involves the use of institutions and structures of authority and collaborationto allocate resources and to coordinate and control joint action across the network as a whole. From a policy perspective, itshould be clear that selection of governance and of ans specific form, whether through mandate or funding incentives could havecritical implications for overall network effectiveness. (Provan, Kenis, 2007), Arra et al, 2007; Lamming, et al 2000, Nassimbeni,1998).In this sense the main question of this paper is how is the governance of the nanotechnology networks in nanotechnology? So,with the aim to contributing somehow with this research area, this paper pretends to develop an analytical framework which onecan be a tool to analyze the network governance in nanotechnology.The research will be exploratory and a depth case study. The empirical research will be in the Brazilian nanotechnologynetwork. The approach will be qualitative in the first phase but in a second one will be quantitative. A survey will be applied to keyactors of the above national network (actors from academy, government, firms etc).. About 35 questions are considered in thesurvey including Likert scale from 1 to seven. This survey will be applied directly (face to face) to the critical actors, but also itwill be on line for actors localized in another Brazilian states. The empirical research will be from July to September of thiscurrent year. The analyses of the date will be in a qualitative way and also in a qualitative way (in a second stage) usingstructural equations and supported in a software. Documental data will be useful in order to make the triangulation of the dateIt is expected that the analytical framework for network governance and their applications in the Brazilian network will be usefulfor the different actors related with this network, specially with academics, practitioners an policy makers, specially as ananalytical tool to support empirical research and as a guide to improve the network governance and the formulation or reformulationof public innovation policies..Madrid, October 20, 21 & 22 - 201086

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