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O-083The role of EU financial support in governmental policy and the Triple Helixdynamic in the post-accession period in HungaryGábor Pörzse, Ágnes Fésüs, Semmelweis University Center for Grants And Innovation, HungaryIn our presentation we concentrate on special elements of the innovation system. The Triple Helix dynamic is a crucial point foran effective innovation system. Since the accession to the European Union - beyond the traditional governmental routes - newfinancial opportunities have been opened up in Hungary especially for industries. In Hungary there are two basic supportingsystems that have influential potential for industry and university collaboration: The Hungarian Research and Technology InnovationFund (RTA) and the European Development Fund (EDF). The aim of our paper is to show how these new support opportunitiesinfluence the University - Industry - Government collaboration in the field of innovation.The European Trend Chart on Innovation (2004) stated Hungary “has all the major elements of a potentially successful nationalinnovation system: a fully fledged education system, internationally recognized research units, both at universities and theinstitutions of the Academy of Sciences, and an increasing number of business R&D units, yet, its performance is far from beingsatisfactory” (ETCI 2004). The question still is, how can work these players together? We examine in our paper how newEuropean funding opportunities enhance Triple Helix (TH) activities in Hungary. The following supporting actions aim to encouragebig companies, SMEs and universities to find ways of effective collaboration.Innovation fund (RTA)Act XC of 2003, approved by the Hungarian Parliament on November 10, 2003, established the Research and TechnologicalInnovation Fund, which provides stable and reliable financing for RTDI activities. The Fund is financed by mandatory contributionsfrom all companies registered in Hungary, matched yearly by government contributions.Regional Knowledge centersThe National Office for Research and Technology announced a call for proposals in October 2004 to support the establishmentand operation of Regional University Knowledge Centres. The main goal of the programme was to exploit research and developmentresults in close cooperation with the industrial sector, manage innovative projects and transfer R&D results to marketable newproducts and technologies through these Knowledge Centres (NKTH 2004). During this programme (2004-2006) 19 new RegionalKnowledge Centres were supported.Ányos Jedlik ProgrammeThe Ányos Jedlik Programme supports research and development projects, which range from basic research to experimentaldevelopment. Eligible activities are: basic research, applied research and experimental development, under the condition thatbasic research activities shall only receive funding together with related applied research activities. During evaluation, priorityshall be given to proposals submitted by enterprise-led consortia.National Technology ProgrammeThe programme aims at enhancing the competitiveness of the economy and improving the sustainability of development bypromoting application-oriented, strategic research and development in the field of state-of-the-art technologies. The objective offunding is to promote innovation, taking Hungarian R&D strategies into consideration.European Development FundNew Hungarian Development StrategySince joining the European Union (1 May 2004) Hungary has qualified for regional development funds from the EU. Hungary hasreached the gateway of a historical opportunity. Between 2007 and 2013, the country is eligible for a development fund of EUR22.4 billion to re-align itself with developed countries. In order to qualify for this support Hungary was required to formulate aseven year plan for development. This has been named the New Hungary Development Plan (NHDP (2006), and amounts to aseven year national strategy for advancement. It is a development policy that sets out the strategic areas in which the countrywould like to concentrate EU development resources. It represents a huge investment in infrastructure in Hungary, and the fundsare to be allocated to many different projects. These individual projects will create further investment and jobs, which in turn willassist the development and convergence of the nation. The NHDP is divided into 15 Operational Programmes (OP). The mostrecent OPs that are related to TH actions are the following:• GOP-2009-1.1.2. „Developing and strengthening Research-Development Centers”• GOP-2009-1.2.1. „Support for Accredited innovation clusters”• GOP-2009-1.2.2. „Support for innovation and technology parks”• GOP-2009-1.3.2. „Improve capacity of companies’ R&D”The Pole ProgrammeThe Pole Programme is defined in the New Hungary Development Plan. The Programme is a strong coordination mechanismamong the operational programmes (OPs) of the NHDP, which are the thematic strategies of the key sectors and the 7 regionsin Hungary. The programme increases turnover from R&D, innovation services provision by bridging innovation institutions andMadrid, October 20, 21 & 22 - 2010266

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