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O-033PROMOTION OF THE ENTREPRENEURIAL CULTURE IN THE UNIVERSITY: THEUNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE MADRID AS A CASE STUDYIsidro De Pablo, Fernando Alfaro, Miriam Rodriguez, Esperanza Valdés, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, SpainIntroduction:Madrid is one of the most innovative poles in Spain and it is amongst the regions with a greater economic growth in Europe. Itis considered a dynamic, multicultural and entrepreneurial region characterized by a superposition of public administrations anda great concentration of Universities (approximately 20). This social an economically complex environment is proved to be avery competitive setting for a conventional enterprising activity. Nevertheless, it is the right place to establish collaborativemodels.This paper will analyze a typical Triple Helix case for the promotion of the Entrepreneurial Attitude via a program chartered byone of the most active Universities in Madrid, in collaboration with a financial institution’s Foundation and two Public Administrations.The organization to focus in is the Center for Entrepreneurial Initiatives (in Spanish Centro de Iniciativas Emprendedoras –CIADE) of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), which has been working for eleven years to foster entrepreneurial valuesand supporting the creation of spin-off and technology-based enterprises within the University.The CIADE-UAM, since its origins, has applied the Triple Helix model. Due to the lack of specific financial resources from theUniversity, it has been compelled to adopt collaborative models with agents of the environment, both governmental and social orfinancial, and now it plays a relevant role in transferring knowledge from the University. Nowadays, the Triple Helix modelconstitutes the CIADE hallmark, both in the global business model design and in the way the different projects are undertaken.The different elements characterizing this model are: collaboration, self-financing and social innovation.State of the art:Since Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (1995) defined the Triple Helix model, the relation University-Public Administration Management-Enterprise has been deeply studied by a broad number of researchers. This coordination is closely related to countrycompetitiveness (Lumppkin and Dess, 1996, Song and Peterson 2000) and as well as to regional development (Marton and Säl,2009).There are ample records dealing with the importance of diffusion of entrepreneurial culture and the policies oriented to itspromotion (Lumpkin and Dess 1996, Song and Peterson, 2000). The relevance of entrepreneurship as the key factor for economicgrowth is constantly increasing, thus justifying its promotion. To illustrate this reality it is relevant to mention the recommendationsof the OECD’s Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) and the commitments of the UE Lisbon Summit, March,2000.Research focus:By means of the present study we shall try to give an answer to the following questions:What role is to be played by the University when there are several levels and several government authorities? Can a universityact as a catalyst and make compatible the targets of programs designed by different administrations? Has the participation ofthe public administrations affected in some way the development of an entrepreneurial culture in the University? In which waycontribute the diffusion actions in the main indicators of the entrepreneurial activity? Is it attractive for people in general to besupported by the University in the development of enterprises?Methodology:Following the One Case methodology (Yin, 1989) we work around five main components• A set of research questions• Some theoretical propositions to be contrasted with the research results.• The Center for Entrepreneurial Initiatives (CIADE) from 1998 up to 2010 is the unit of analysis chosen.• A quantitative study of the Center’s data, GEM’s data and the UAM Employment Observatory, surveys and interviews.• Logical links of data and propositions, stating the criteria used for data interpretation.Madrid, October 20, 21 & 22 - 201073

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