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P-006Why are WE not more Attractive for Women?(WE= Work in Engineering)Hans Lundkvist, Hanna Westberg, Luleå Technical University and Triple Steelix, Luleå, SwedenRegional sustainable development is depending on successful enterprises and the enterprises depend on committed motivatedemployees. This logic motivates efforts for increased interaction between university - industry - government. Triple Steelix is oneof the winners in the VINNOVA VINNVÄXT program. A cluster, consisting of about 700 SME's, 6 steel producing companies,manufacturers of mechanical equipment and industrial IT, 13 municipalities, three universities, research institute, regionalactors and the regional authorities. The initiative for developing this cluster into an innovation system was taken by Jernkontoret,the Swedish Steel Producers' Association.The aging population in EU- countries pinpoint that the struggle for talent and competence has only just begun. The lack ofcompetent labour is already a problem for many companies in the region of the innovation system.Social sustainability includes, for example, gender equality, which is also to be seen as a driving force for development andachievement of regional growth. If gender equality, along with other aspects affecting the chances of sustainable development,is to function as a "fuel for growth", then greater in-depth knowledge on gender equality and gender-research proficiency isneeded. Experiences within European social fund programs and regional growth programs show that while the various projectowners have an interest in gender equality, knowledge is lacking on how this might be achieved (Westberg, 2005, Gunnarsson2007b).Sweden is considered to be one of Europe's most gender equal countries, despite the fact that the labour market is one of themost gender segregated. The segregation obstructs the movement of labour and decrease flexibility. Old pattern andpreconceptions decrease the potential for optimal use in the view of available talent. Although efforts have been made toincrease the interest of industrial work among women the amount of female workers is still low. Many have experienced negativereactions when action for increased equality is brought up on the agenda. Since most organizations consider themselves to begender sensitive the subject is a "none issue" (Amundsdotter 2009). To start discussions about equality and the invisibleinfluence of masculine dominance in the industrial sector is a difficult and challenging task. Both enterprises and individualsoften believe themselves comply with the expected level of gender equality. With increased knowledge and understanding thegender equality issue is not, as often perceived, a burden, but an additional parameter to sharpen business developmentopportunities. Facing the uprising recruitment problem it is justifiable to ask: Why is Work in Engineering not more attractive forwomen?Companies that care about gender equality will undoubtedly have advantages in the competition for labour. Therefore oneproject, "Gender perspective for Attractive Work" (GATT-project), is formed to mainstream gender in the cluster Triple Steelix.The aim of the GATT-project is to engage and motivate the participants to look above traditional perspective.This paper is based on empirical research, which was carried by the GATT-project in collaboration with an expanding engineeringenterprise situated in a semi rural area in of Sweden. In order to retain, motivate and recruit staff for future expansion thecompany wants to develop its employer brand (Backhaus, K., Tikoo, S. 2004) by developing a more equal and attractive workirrespective of gender. The foundation of the theoretical platform is action research (Aagaard, Svensson 2006) combined withtheories of masculinity (Hearn 2001, Kimmel 2009), gender construction (Gunnarsson 2007a) and attractive work theories (Åteg2004). The methodological framework has its basis of different interactive tools with the intention of creating discussions andreflections in order to widen the participants view regarding gender constructions.As a result of the participatory approach the method was developed during 13 workshop with at total of 130 participants. Aconclusion from the workshops was that discussing gender issues often starts emotions and sometimes even resistance. Butthe resistance was not so strong as first expected. An open attitude, sharing personal thoughts, made the gender issue lessdramatic and opened up for comments and reflections, reflections for a sustainable learning process.Madrid, October 20, 21 & 22 - 2010209

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