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P-032Intellectual Property in Colombian UniversitiesMireya Astrid Jaime Arias, Diana Milena Gonzalez Gelvez, Universidad Industrial de Santander, ColombiaColombian universities and most Latin American universities are becoming interested in Intellectual Property (IP). However,several weaknesses have been identified for the management of it in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).From this situation arises the research project "PILA NETWORK” Network of intellectual property in Latin America, project cofinancedby the European Union under the ALFA III program, which involves 22 Universities, 18 of them from different LatinAmerican countries, and 4 European Universities. One of them is the Universidad Industrial de Santander in Colombia.The main objective of the project is the modernization of IP management practices of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in LatinAmerica, promoting greater interaction between universities and their economic environment, and in this way contributing toeconomic and social development. To do this, this network of institutions of higher education in the field of Intellectual Property,pretends to be a learning platform, including the exchange of IP management practices.Based on the activity of training needs analysis, carried out in the initial phase of the project, we have conducted an analysis ofthe level of awareness and use of IP in HEIs in Latin America. In this work, we present the analysis for Colombia according tothe made among survey a representative group of Colombian Universities.• State of the art about the topic,The literature on IP in Colombia is scarce. However, we highlight the works "The impact of stronger intellectual property rightson science and technology in developing countries" and "The dynamics of publications and patents as a proxy for scientific andtechnological development of countries" made by Dr. Clemente Forero. In these Works, he presents the risk of strengtheningthe Intellectual Property System in Latin America. This is of special interest, given the fact that many developed nationsreached this state under very weak IP System.• Research focus,We aim at establishing the current state of IP management capabilities in Colombian HEIs mainly because they are knowledgegenerating institutions.For the propose, we analyze the level of awareness, use and management capabilities of Intellectual Property in ColombianHEIs in order to detect differences between some universities and others.• Methodology,We use a quantitative approach based on adaptation of AIDA questionnaire for gathering the information regarding IP Knowledge& practices Colombian Universities. In order to do, the universe was restricted to the universities that have research groupsregistered in COLCIENCIAS (Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación), under the premise that theuniversities that conduct research whose results could be protected, have research groups.The methodology AIDA was developed by “Centre de Recherche Públic Henri Tudor” of Luxembourg, for analyzing the level ofawareness of IP in SMEs in the project IPeuropAware (Nr. SI2.479203), funded by the 'CIP - Competitiveness and InnovationFramework Program' of the European Union. The procedure was adapted by the Fundación General de la Universidad deAlicante to study the level of awareness of IP in HEIs.The method is based on the assumption that, schematically, the optimal exploitation of IP is developed in the following successivesteps (levels of AIDA):A KnowledgeI ProtectionD ManagementA ExploitationEach level contains 4 different sublevels.For the purposes of the questionnaire, the Vice President for Research or directors of technology transfer offices of HEIsColombian were contacted. They collaborated by completing the survey.After gathering information from HEIs, we proceeded to perform analysis of the data and the preparation of the report usingstatistical methods and the SPSS software tool.Madrid, October 20, 21 & 22 - 2010164

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