04 67 79 15 42 2012-2013 SEMEST - University of Minnesota

04 67 79 15 42 2012-2013 SEMEST - University of Minnesota

04 67 79 15 42 2012-2013 SEMEST - University of Minnesota


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Week 4 Modernist autobiography<br />

Gertrude Stein, The Autobiography <strong>of</strong> Alice B. Toklas (excerpts)<br />

Week 5 Black autobiography<br />

Alex Haley, ed., The Autobiography <strong>of</strong> Malcolm X (excerpts)<br />

Week 6 Postmodernism, autobiography and the self<br />

Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior (excerpts)<br />

Acourse pack will be available at one <strong>of</strong> the photocopying shops near campus.<br />

Required reading<br />

Lejeune, Philippe. Le Pacte autobiographique. Paris: Seuil, 1975. (excerpts)<br />

---------. “Le Pacte autobiographique bis” in Moi Aussi. Paris: Seuil, 1986, 13---35.<br />

Stanton,Domna C. “Autogynography: is the Subject Different?” in Stanton and Parisier Plottel eds,<br />

TheFemale Autograph. New York: New York Literary Forum, vol 12---13, 1984, 5---23<br />

C. Reynier et C. Raynaud<br />

- Semaine 7-12 : Poésie et théâtre au 20eme siècle : genres et thèmes<br />

* Formes du théâtre moderne et contemporain de langue anglaise : Mme Drugeon<br />

Nous dresserons un panorama de l’évolution des formes dramatiques au cours du 2àeme siècle, qui est le témoin d’un véritable<br />

renouveau du monde du théâtre, marquant son entrée dans le modernisme. A cette occasion, nous irons à la recherche de formes<br />

et de courants de pensée et d’écriture divers, parfois encrés dans la recherche stylistique.<br />


Shaw, G. B. Mrs Warren's Pr<strong>of</strong>ession.<br />

Osborne, John. Look Back in Anger.<br />

Edgar, David. Destiny.<br />

Eliot, T.S. Murder in the Cathedral.<br />

Beckett, Samuel. Endgame.<br />

Pinter, Harold, The Caretaker.<br />

Les pièces seront étudiées dans cet ordre. Aucune édition particulière n'est demandée, elles seront également disponibles dans<br />

une <strong>of</strong>ficine de reproduction.<br />

Examen : un écrit en anglais de 2h (questons de cours, application à un texte et à un document iconographique.<br />

* Poetic Genres and forms: J. Misrahi-Barak<br />

The course will deal with the poetic genre, or rather poetuc genres and forms since diversity and multiplicity will be at the heart<br />

<strong>of</strong> our approach. References will be made to 19th century poetry. However, the course will take its examples mostly from 20th<br />

century American and British poetry, as well as from the Commonwealtj. If poetry is a literary form and a technique <strong>of</strong><br />

expression, it is primarily, defined by the interrelations it contains, based on the connections between rhythm and silence,<br />

between the individual voice and that <strong>of</strong> the community.<br />

Students will have to buy a course pack at the university « Imprimerie » before the 1st class. Students will also have to bring the<br />

book by Harding and Doumerc for the first class<br />


Doumerc, Eric & Wendy Harding. An Introduction to Poetry in English. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2007.<br />

Grellet, Françoise. A Handbook <strong>of</strong> Literary Terms Paris : Hachette, 2009.<br />

CM Mardi 11h<strong>15</strong>-12h<strong>15</strong> D0001 ET Mercredi 11h<strong>15</strong>-12h<strong>15</strong> D001<br />

TD 2 Options au choix<br />

LIT 6L Shakespeare : Staging the mythology <strong>of</strong> Love<br />

This class will be a reflexion along two major lines:<br />

· First, we will analyse the composition <strong>of</strong> the two selected plays. We will then pay special attention to the representation <strong>of</strong> love<br />

both as a literary concept and as a stage issue. The aesthetics <strong>of</strong> rewriting in Renaissance culture is made up <strong>of</strong> borrowings from<br />

Antiquity and classical literature: we will question the adaptation <strong>of</strong> the classical tradition through the specific theme <strong>of</strong> love in<br />

the chosen plays. We will study the Shakespearean plays in their literary and artistic contexts (love poetry, Petrarchism,<br />

mannerist Eros…)<br />

· Second, using filmed theatre, film versions, photos, play reviews, we will question how some selected passages <strong>of</strong> our corpus<br />

are currently staged by pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and the relationships that we may find from the page to the stage.<br />


For editorial/scientific reasons it is highly recommended that you should buy these specific editions:<br />

Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, éd. D. Bevington, Cambridge, Cambridge <strong>University</strong> Press, 1990<br />

Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Oxford Shakespeare, Oxford World’s Classics.<br />

Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, The Arden Shakespeare, Routledge.<br />

RECOMMENDED READING – a shelf is reserved at the IRCL’s library, BRED 214<br />

Bate, Jonathan. Shakespeare and Ovid. Cambridge: Cambridge <strong>University</strong> Press, 1992.<br />

Brunel, Pierre, éd. Dictionnaire des mythes littéraires. Paris : Edition du Rocher, 1988.<br />

Peyré, Yves. La Voix des mythes dans la tragédie élisabéthaine. Paris : CNRS éditions, 1996. [out <strong>of</strong> print, available in the<br />

library <strong>of</strong> the Institut de Recherches sur la Renaissance, l’Age Classique et les Lumières, BRED 214]<br />

William Shakespeare: The Complete Works Second Edition, edited by Stanley Wells, Gary Taylor, John Jowett, and William<br />

Montgomery Price: £16.99 (Paperback) ISBN: 978-0-19- 92<strong>67</strong>18-7 2005 1<strong>42</strong>4 pages.<br />


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