22.04.2022 Aufrufe


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Unternehmenslogistik / Enterprise Logistics

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Gerhard Schipp

Einkauf & Finanzen im

Supply Chain Management

/ Procurement & Finance in

Supply Chain Management

Tel. +49 176 6655 2447



/ Stable Supply Chain Finance

/ The value networks of the future will be embedded in

platform economies, requiring countless stakeholders and

processes to work together. Suppliers of raw materials, intermediates

and finished products will all have to interact with a

multitude of customers, service providers and authorities. New

digital business models will rely on key technologies such as

blockchains, smart contracts, AI or the IoT to orchestrate material

flows and production processes while constantly increasing

their level of automation. At the same time cash flows running

in the opposite direction to the material flows have to be supported

by innovative financial products enabling them to keep

pace with the speed and efficiency of digital business models.

“Safe Financial Big Data Cluster” (safeFBDC), a research

project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic

Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), was launched in January

2021. It supports data-driven business models by drawing on

the GAIA-X project to enable the establishment of a federated

ecosystem for exchanging financial data across different

organizations. In addition, newly developed AI applications

are intended to handle the constantly growing volumes of

data facing companies, financial institutions, start-ups, public

stakeholders and research institutions by processing the data in

accordance with the needs of recipients.

Fraunhofer IML is in charge of the subproject called “Stable

Supply Chain Finance”, which is being conducted in collaboration

with industrial and scientific partners. Their mission is to

make data from real-world physical supply chains available for

innovative financial products and test it directly on the basis of

a concrete “Pay-per-Use Supply Chain Finance” use case.


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