22.04.2022 Aufrufe


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Silicon Economy

Kontakt / Contact

© Adobe Stock, Quardia Inc.

Dipl.-Inform. Andreas


Strategische Initiativen /

Strategic Initiatives

Tel. +49 231 9743-286



Timo Erler M. Sc.

Software & Information


Tel. +49 231 9743-485



/ Collaboration with the International Data Spaces,

Gaia-X and the Mobility Data Space

/ With the growing development of platform and specialist/

basic components, the Silicon Economy is also deploying the

International Data Spaces. The Silicon Economy’s approach

of using the International Data Spaces is just as intelligent

and innovative as the idea of the platform ecosystem itself.

In both cases, the process is driven forward not by individual

companies but rather a whole community. This means that

complete open source solutions supported by a community

are created instead of individual, proprietary (and thus standalone)

ones as has been the case previously.

it eliminates essential configuration steps, such as setting up

connections or securing identities.

In addition to the International Data Spaces, Gaia-X and the

Mobility Data Space are also considered important technical

tools for implementing the Silicon Economy. Gaia-X and the

Mobility Data Space are European initiatives for secure and fair

data sharing in which the data provider retains control of what

is happening to their data.

In one of the Silicon Economy’s development projects,

researchers laid the foundations for making the International

Data Spaces available across the board in logistics: A new

software kit, the Wrapper Toolbox, now enables companies

to integrate a data space connector into their IT landscape

quickly and easily. The development includes guidelines and

a software library. The Wrapper itself functions as an adapter

and connector between a service or platform and the connector:

By cutting off all application-specific functionalities,


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