22.04.2022 Aufrufe


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Materialflusssysteme / Material Flow Systems

Kontakt / Contact

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Arnd Ciprina

Informationslogistik und

Assistenzsysteme /

Information Logistics and

Decision Support Systems

Tel. +49 231 9743-243



Andrej Plenne M. Sc.

Informationslogistik und

Assistenzsysteme /

Information Logistics and

Decision Support Systems

Tel. +49 231 9743-516



Jennifer Wessels M. Sc.

Informationslogistik und

Assistenzsysteme /

Information Logistics and

Decision Support Systems

Tel. +49 231 9743-467



/ See it All at a Glance with

Digital Twins

/ The aim of the research project “MoProLog“ (Modular

Production Logistics) is to design, test and evaluate modular

systems. It’s part of ENPRO, a collaborative initiative for energy

efficiency and process acceleration in the chemical industry.

Since November 2019, Fraunhofer IML has been working in

collaboration with five consortium partners to study energy-efficient

logistics modules for logistical supply and waste

management in the context of modular production in the

process industry. To test out their concept, the MoProLog

researchers are focusing on a use case involving a modular

layer palletizer with intelligent energy management.

The project has also seen the Fraunhofer IML team develop a

digital twin to ensure a transparent flow of information. This

twin consists of a single process model that systematically

maps all the processes, orders, performance objects, resources

and production events in the value creation system and thus

functions as the central information base for the modules of

the overall system. It is linked to a demonstrator of the modular

layer palletizer, so that it can both supply the modules with

relevant information on production and orders and collect data

(e.g. sensor and energy data, exchanges of information, decisions

made) via the interfaces that have been implemented.

By using the digital twin as a central information base and

conducting intelligent analyses of the historical and current

data through machine learning processes, the researchers can

identify and assess patterns and regularly recurring events. This

lays the foundations for AI-driven predictions and suggestions

for improvements. For example, the AI could recommend

plant modules for maintenance in what is known as predictive



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