Germar Rudolf, Resistance Is Obligatory (2012; PDF-Datei

Germar Rudolf, Resistance Is Obligatory (2012; PDF-Datei

Germar Rudolf, Resistance Is Obligatory (2012; PDF-Datei


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words. If one were to take the prosecution seriously, one would have to<br />

seize and burn the majority of the established literature on the persecution<br />

of the Jews.<br />

Are you actually aware of the possible consequences of your argumentation,<br />

Mr. Prosecutor?<br />

Since I am fundamentally opposed to censorship, I am also opposed<br />

to prohibiting bad science. Among other things because even bad science<br />

can lead to correct results, although less likely, and even bad science<br />

can trigger a learning effect.<br />

IV. The German Constitutional High Court on the<br />

Definition of Science<br />

In a decision concerning the attempt of the German Federal Assessment<br />

Agency for Media Endangering the Youth (Bundesprüfstelle für<br />

jugendgefährdende Medien) to put a revisionist book on the causes of<br />

WWII on the index of banned books, the German Constitutional High<br />

Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) expressed the following opinion concerning<br />

what constitutes a scientific book: 121<br />

“The protection of the fundamental right to a free science does<br />

neither depend on the correctness of its methods or results nor on<br />

the soundness of the argumentation and logical reasoning or the<br />

completeness of the points of view and the evidence lying on the base<br />

of a scientific work. Only science itself can determine what is good<br />

or bad science and which results are true or false. […] Thus scientific<br />

freedom protects minority opinions as well as research approaches<br />

and results that turn out to be erroneous or flawed. In the<br />

same way unorthodox or intuitive procedures enjoy the protection of<br />

the Basic Law. A necessary prerequisite is merely that it is science;<br />

120 “How come we have no decent quality control when it comes to evaluating Holocaust material<br />

for publication?” Thusly quoted by N.G. Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry, op. cit. (note<br />

119), p. 60; likewise in a letter to Dr. Robert H. Countess of 21 June 1988: “Superficiality is the<br />

major disease in the field of Holocaust studies”; similar in an interview with Eva Schweitzer,<br />

“Rücksicht auf die Verbündeten,” Berliner Zeitung, 4 Sept. 2000: “You once said there is no<br />

quality control in the Holocaust debate. [Hilberg:] That’s correct, especially at numerous U.S.<br />

elite universities.” (www.vho.org/D/Beitraege/HilbergBZ040900.html).<br />

121 Verdict BVerfG, 11 Jan. 1994, ref. 1 BvR 434/87, pp. 16f. Indexing a medium means that one<br />

is no longer allowed to offer or sell it to minors, that any promotion for it or offer for sale in the<br />

general public is prohibited.<br />


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