5-Endless Bliss Fifth Fascicle - Hakikat Kitabevi

5-Endless Bliss Fifth Fascicle - Hakikat Kitabevi

5-Endless Bliss Fifth Fascicle - Hakikat Kitabevi


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people living near that Walî’s tomb and present the thawâb to<br />

the Walî’s soul.’ It is harâm for the rich to accept things given in<br />

fulfilment of such vows. Property which is not given as alms to<br />

the poor is not acceptable as a vow. For example, such vows as<br />

burning candles on graves, lighting candles (or lights) on<br />

minarets, saying mawlids loudly in mosques like songs and<br />

dance music are not acceptable. It is harâm and useless to pay<br />

or take money for such things.” It is written at the end of ’Uqûdud-durriyya<br />

that it is bid’a to use more lights than usual in<br />

mosques on sacred nights. The same is written in the chapter<br />

about the rules concerning a mosque in Eshbâh.<br />

Some people make a vow by saying, “Table of Zachariah.”<br />

They put 40 kinds of fruit on a table, and then they invite their<br />

neighbors and close friends to eat from this table. They expect<br />

that the wishes they make as they eat at these tables will come<br />

true. Such a vow is bid’at. It is a Jewish custom. It is harâm for<br />

anyone, except a poor person, to eat from something that has<br />

been vowed. To cause bid’at and harâm is a grave sin.<br />

It is permissible to vow to kill an animal when laying a<br />

foundation or when one’s sick relative recovers and then to give<br />

the meat as alms to the poor. It produces thawâb for alms.<br />


Yemîn (oath) means strength. It indicates strength in a<br />

statement, intention or desire to do or not to do something.<br />

Also, the words “half”, “hilf”, and “qasem” can be used instead<br />

of “yemîn.” There are three kinds of yemîn:<br />

1 - Ghamûs oath, [which causes sin and going to Hell]. It is<br />

to knowingly swear a false, lying oath on something in the past.<br />

It is a grave sin. In order to repent, tawba and istighfâr are<br />

necessary, but not kaffârat.<br />

2 - Mun’aqida oath. It is to swear an oath to do or not to do<br />

something in future. There are three types. In all three types,<br />

breach of the oath necessitates kaffârat. But kaffârat is not paid<br />

before the breach:<br />

A) There is no given time. If a person swears that he will<br />

beat Ahmad, the oath is not broken if he does not beat him as<br />

long as both are alive. The oath is broken when either one dies.<br />

For, when he swears that he will beat Ahmad, it does not<br />

become wâjib for him to do it till his death. If he swears that he<br />

will not beat Ahmad and does not beat him till after his death,<br />

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