Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...

Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...

Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...


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174<br />

Barrett ivin,r; some of the linos to Horctio, come bo Gertrude.<br />

In Irving'r version ."arcr-ijnr. v/ne riven an unrccountable<br />

prominence in the Danish court, mid tho ;; cene opened:<br />

I '//ill not speak v ith her.<br />

'"y re oil us<br />

She ic irrnortan te, indeed die tract,<br />

•:cr mood will needs be pitied.<br />

»Twere good Bi , r ,ere r-poicen with, for she may strew<br />

.iViTxroac conjectures in ill-breedin"- nirdr;.<br />

(1-3, 14-5)<br />

The information of the first lines befits : rrcellus, but the<br />

politic confidential tone of the 1: ct two is more appropriate<br />

to Horatio. Barrett £;; ve 14-5 to the Queen, but L Hotted to<br />

Horatio mo_t of the description of Oldie's madneac which<br />

Irving ia-d omitted ("She spooky much of her f, tii'.-r. ..")<br />

iiss Hr.stloke made vv.h t secaed to the nnr.otrtor of the<br />

^ronpt-co^y a "striking entry" by "cuc.t only :ullin^; aside"<br />

the centre cu.rt~.inc. Her cting apnec.rc to hcvo im roved P.E the<br />

fir.'t ni -it pro :-;re. sod, and the Cr.ntioiic. Critic, ho c.o cruelly<br />

listed lirr f^ultn in the r.cene v;ith Laertes c.nc! Poloiiiuc,<br />

acknov/lef^cd a "to— i'or, -,;in. -Ing p: : tlioc hr:rd to be excellecl".<br />

By skilful dcr-iction of do'"er.tir. she rnc.n- /red to "excite<br />

throughout a cenee of tender -:ity ra j: :~/\r •'•hr.n horror". ''^^<br />

>Ltj • r.c rcr-' rlrcd favourcbly u -on hor "intcn: it" r.nc1 pc.tlioc' 1 ,<br />

rncl .icott obsc'rrci" th t the irjv.irc:. ;:ion nic'ce upon the rudieface<br />

"f ve to the octrero r. very cheering oncoarnreneiat". Pron the<br />

"iroi.r't-ccoy, one ^ethers that :'ico Eactl: he poi^-ucd v:hcn rho<br />

o.'.iid ''IJ.':iy, pi' y you r:. ric" (28) and . iauc'c'orcd o,t tlic \'orc : c "I 1<br />

th' cold : -round" (68). She cluiOdcred. . ;•; in v/lien ^ho c.'-.u.-n.t<br />

ci. ht of Cl udiUBj r iir -.Urrr-J.-: from hin i;it':i the cocci: v.rtion<br />

"It is tiic i l.-e r.t,-v;c-rc: f th"t ot )lc hie maker's d u- liter",<br />

uovin -oo Li crtes for -.irot :ction. "There's c. dc : r:y" (179) v.T'f.<br />

c1. "r.urdcn o::cl -.:--tion rs if rurprirjcd r.nd -lrd to per t l\o<br />

f.'.o.;cr", cine du-.-in/- tlie onf: "For bonny r-v/ent R->hin ir rll ry<br />

joy" she scattered fl •. ero u ion the floor, subsequently nic--<br />

ing t:icn art. None of tieie details scorin incorirruc--..

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