Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...

Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...

Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...


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J47<br />

Post described it fully:<br />

Her method nay com.vre < ith tlu't of Kc dome<br />

Bernhardt. Jhe latter actress crushes, so<br />

to speak, into the ;u;.t the bearer of<br />

ill news, aru 1 stamps unon the oro-trate form<br />

in a lar'jmer recalling the treatment of lago<br />

by oi nor oolvini as Otiiello; and less imperious,<br />

but not less effective, is the an^er<br />

of the latest Cleopatra. She holds in her<br />

hcnd the rich circlet which she had intended<br />

to ,-ive him as the price >f his intelligence,<br />

and she strike;:; nin again and ape in -with the<br />

jewels, . hile he falls ii. terror at her feet.<br />

(19 No/ember <strong>1890</strong>)<br />

This is i:i oni me, but no substitute for "she hales him up<br />

and down". The ccone continaecl -.vith the ne^en :er's return<br />

(III.3). - rclicr found in this intornvet- tion '-'too :::ueh of<br />

tiie spoilt child, too little of the pasci -.11:1 i-.e \von:^n', and<br />

the reviewer in The 'r tur-''-'y j-:cvi : . w t v/ho admired ulie !'Ctress*s<br />

oov.-ers of "facir,l ox r^o;- ion" in tiie pcrformanco, v;rs .-;i:.—<br />

appointed by her reaction to the m: rrir go, cu.^ -erting that<br />

Cleo v.tra "'..ould hf.vc been frr nore i':irious"«<br />

•li.'i:o peare's 111*4 and III.5 v.ero omitted, and t/.ic first<br />

scene of ..re I». n 'try's third r.ct begon, li':.-: Calvcrt's, ith<br />

Oaet-'i-'s cesc i tion of Antony's "im.olence" and the or^lv;/.!<br />

in ..or.ie of ;Jct.- via (111*6) - the setting v;, s or:ce : • i i -fio<br />

Atrium of Oncr;cr*s hou:e. ^ho.keanc^re ures Ct-oc r as a purveyor<br />

of information in thir, r cene, but £lvcs fair:, a touch of pcrjo •-<br />

r.lity in the reception of his cicter. The convent i --nnlly<br />

",'o'.:.'!n" frith in desti >y shovm in iilc orfr, of cohort ("let<br />

determined things to r'cctiny/ Hold xib; v/ailocl :hoir nay")<br />

reveals a decree of liy.-ocri- ,y: ho l:nowc th-.t Fortune ic lil:e<br />

a v;onrm and mr.y be wooocl, r^nc1 hr.'.s cvnic^lly u.rcc' ''ctc:vir to<br />

bind Antony's li; ndc. The little individuality ivrn to Caor;pr<br />

in these v/orr's v/cr: forfeited by "rs ' n ; ir:;, for chc c^ t.ic<br />

four lines from 81b to °5 .<br />

ihe cec^nd rc^-nc of the act V.T.S conror'ccl of III.10 and<br />

III.12, o it ting s:-

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