Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...

Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...

Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...


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271<br />

Whilot he v/as cpeakinr, J^onilius went to offer Hermione a<br />

flower, and then returned to Leontes, who held hin ; t : nn's<br />

length and asked "Art t.iou my boy?" (120). As he progressed<br />

in his jealousy, Leontec nervously held l^niiliuG first on<br />

one knee, then the other, placing him directly before him<br />

£"yet they say v. care/ Almost as like PS e c:;gs" - 130) and<br />

embraced him ("uy colloij"). Disturbed by his behaviour,<br />

Polixenes and ilermione came down to •.:.]: ",.ix- t meuns oicilir?"<br />

and Leontes movee ri^ht with Inmilius as the two eat down on<br />

the couch. As Leontes exhorted Hermione to r ive >lixenes a<br />

r;oof! welcome - "Let v/hat is dear in Sicily be cheap" a chorus<br />

was heard pianissimo off-r:t ro nt the back. Hermione and<br />

Polixenes wont down the stcyic at the back left of the stage,<br />

and Leontes followed to vvr.tch tliem.<br />

r::dliuG loft the str-ge rt the firct injunction "Go play"<br />

(190), and Loontes summoned CcLaillo. nurin.- tiaeir cxc^nre<br />

soft ;aucic W^,D !i? \r< (ber iiaiin^ at 346), and the ceene ended<br />

\vith Leontes *s o::it:<br />

I v/ill seem rriciiclly, ac thou hact en vised mo<br />

(350)<br />

Cr.nillo ctood in the centre of the rrbr^o, lor.t in tho.i -Jro,<br />

nc the t :blc;.'U curt ins fell. Clouent Scott coff.ilained tli,'t<br />

this vvr.s EH unncceccnry and undcoir/ ble cl'iiorrtion:<br />

Tlic v.iind refuses to pr,u, :e before the vi;.it of<br />

Polixenorj, \, ith all itc fatal conronacnces,<br />

rre ov: :r and clo^o v;it.i.<br />

(Tiio ' ••ily rclogrr^Ia, 12 oo<br />

He attribacoo "iirlf tli. -.voriryiiif .^ir tlar-.t was folt t rou<br />

tiie performruice" to t.ie contiriu- 1 u,-.;e of t'^.o tr.bleau-Ciirt<br />

"the tiboniiio ble dcvieo... ..hich maajg; rrj v.'i/ly iiojinc rfoec<br />

not interfere ./ith t^.c i^.terest of a >1. y". Lil'e u.:ie vicible<br />

transforaations of tlie 1GC4 Roaoo and Juliet, tiie t.-.blc;. u-<br />

curtains u; od by i/'iss .-uidorson v;e..\. con.oiueroci a hindrance<br />

rather t\ n rm. rid td) i • luraon. It is not clear v/hnt rl tornative<br />

V.T-.G acceptable to ) Irygoorc .ID a ac n;_, oi1 oivicliiv;<br />

one scene from another - apparently the flying in of r. fr.mtocene<br />

in view of t.ic . a- icace \vac co:isidcred leer, uictrpc-jin/;;<br />

th.-.n the conc-oal-icnt of itc cetti'V;* Ccrtr.iiily tho i^movation<br />

had still to prove its orth in 1393, when i'elbin v;roto tliat<br />

t,-.bleau-ca t ins \verc, in tJiic country, "lel^ora u.ed, and...<br />

not very ncccpt.oble to the pab.'.ic": • -c

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