Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...

Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...

Pictorial Shakespeare, 1880-1890 - eTheses Repository - University ...


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257<br />

0| tl.ui.t /.orv.n c;. .jnot nak.e nor f; ult :ir<br />

husband's oc< > .lo:-.. I -t hr-r ;-irv:r nur^e<br />

her ciiilr heiself , for Ue ,,111 breed it<br />

like a fool,<br />

Ire .:cn-'.'.a, for no good advent rc;>; on, san^ l;ae first L.b,vnzc.<br />

of the dialogue between Surnmer and Winter froj.- .''-ovc'r; Lcboi-r 1 ;;<br />

J^;t, "":o point of t.-)ic nry Iwo loin ±-.\ its application to<br />

:.iarri. £-c and cuckol^y, a ,ocali,rl/ iailelie.-.te oabioct for<br />

an LU i-ence v,ho v/oru at '11 co. ts to be Lronrod rr.'.cli • ^-oi.:r;<br />

expreccions as "thigh". Or, nore likul,y, it v;, G v-lthout any<br />

application, and oervod :oroly t.a a opontaneourj effusion of<br />

the cli:irrcter*s oxhilerotioi.i. ACCO..- in^ to The_ iv:v_, ."re "oik'.al<br />

"ran Either and thither about the ctr'^c pretending to herr a<br />

real cuckoo and i:.*.-. ul in.-7; in st^rtG,;: 1.!!^ . -ri^-coQ t'v>.t v/ero<br />

alto ot'.ier out of )laco"« Orlc'iiro, vho -icd no doubt appe . •-.•od<br />

suitably ^i\.-tifiod b.y the outburst, i.-im-.ly i'o : r'-.\.'d, w?jr<br />

thecc t'.vo houi*s ,.o r-liuu, I ill lo ve thee".<br />

v:h':kcr;^oare at this ^oint ui^os a _,i.?i i.lo device to csto.bli._ia<br />

the pac-'.i^e of time. Colie'a t;I'll o to r'leop" at tlio cnr ; of<br />

IV. 1 ic followed b;, a ;/iofj ocene incluc'in,0' the cori,:; "'i.Ciat<br />

GhrM lie iiavc t-i. t !-:illed tlio deer?" ; ,>rl: r^ o ' G farewell<br />

su^c^.tD that Iv»l en; j:. abDO.t 100 ', v:ith C

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