Smith's Canadian gazetteer - ElectricCanadian.com

Smith's Canadian gazetteer - ElectricCanadian.com

Smith's Canadian gazetteer - ElectricCanadian.com


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J 48<br />


A ToMTiship in the County of Kent ; is bounded on the north by Lake Uaixra y<br />

on the west by Sarnia; on the south by War^vick; and on the north-east by<br />

Bosanquet. In Plympton 19,484 acres are taken up. of which 2,516 are under cultivation.<br />

The soil and timber of this township are of a very fine quality; the land<br />

being generally rich, and the timber the best kinds ofhardwood. Large quantities<br />

of potash have been made in Plympton in the last two years, which is generally<br />

foimd to more than pay the expense of clearing the land. During 1845 a very<br />

large quantity will have been made. A water grist mill has recently been<br />

erected at the north-eastern extremity of the township, on the lake shore. There<br />

are several good mill sites in this township One thousand three himdred acn.'S<br />

of Crown lands are open for sale in Plympton, at Ss-. currency per acre; and of<br />

private individuals land is to be purchased at from two to three dollars per acr«.<br />

Population of Plympton, 639.<br />

Ratable property in the township, 7,959.<br />

There are in the township one blacksmith, one grist mill, two shoemakers.<br />


An Island in Lake Erie, opposite Point Pele, and about seven miles from it.<br />

It is about seven or eight miles in length, and averaging two in breadth. It has<br />

never been surveyed ; consequently the number of acres it contains is not<br />

known. About half the island is lit for cultivation, but at present only about<br />

600 acres are under cultivation. Contains about fifty inhabitants. The island<br />

is well supplied with red cedar, and possesses a fine lime-stone quarry. There<br />

is a grist-mill on the island, and a light-house on the north-east point.<br />

POINT EDWARD.—(See Sarnia.)<br />


A Village in the township of Bayham, beautifully situated at the mouth of<br />

Otter Creek, on Lake Erie. It was settled about ten years since, and now<br />

contains about 200 inhabitants. A light-house has been erected on the high<br />

bank overlooking the lake, and a collector of customs is resident here. There<br />

is an Episcopal Church in the village.<br />

Post office, post twice a week.<br />

Professions and Trades.—Three stores, one tannery, two taverns, one waggon<br />

maker, one blacksmith, one painter, one tailor, one shoemaker, one cabinet-niakep.<br />

About 3,000,000 feet of sawed lumber are annually exported from the different<br />

saw mills on the creek.<br />


A Village in the Township of Humberstone, situated on Lake Erie, at the<br />

mouth of the feeder of the Welland Canal ; it is a port of entry, and has a<br />

resident collector of customs. Population about 150.<br />

Post olfice, post three times a week.<br />

Professions and Trades.— .Steam grist mill (not at present in operation), one<br />

store, three taverns, one baker, one grocery, one shoemaker.<br />


A Village on Lake Ontario, situated at the month of the Credit River, fourteen<br />

miles west of Toronto, and two and a half from Dundas Street. It was<br />

laid out in 1834 by government, and is the shi[)ping port for the surrounding<br />

country. It possesses a good harbour, which might be improved so as to be<br />

canable of affording refuge to nlrnost any iiuniber of vessels. The harbour was<br />

made by a joint-stock <strong>com</strong>pany, at an exjieiise of .£2,500. Ot the stock, tlire<br />

Indians at the adjacent village possess £1.35f>. They have also a warehouse at<br />

the port. This port would be of far more advantage to the surrounding

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