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Packaging Design Standards_Graphic Design Standards_Color Measurement, Evaluation and CalibrationNumeric Color Measurement3.15Color communicates. Because the colors of our trademarks aresuch an integral element of the Brands’ <strong>identity</strong>, it is criticalthat our Brand colors be reproduced with uncompromisingquality and consistency.In addition to the Visual Color Standards, the Color Standardsare provided electronically in the form of a .MIF file. The .MIFfile will be sent via email. This Digital Color Standard shouldbe downloaded directly into your X-Rite QA Master software.Downloading the Digital Standards directly into the softwareensures that everyone evaluating our Brand colors will beusing the exact same numeric values for consistency.This Digital Color Standard contains:• Absolute L*a*b* Values• Standardized Illuminants• Standardized Observer• Digital Tolerances• Reflectance ValuesDigital TolerancesStandards using the specified X-Rite equipment and QAMaster software incorporate the specifications shown.General Methods for MeasurementInstruments must be calibrated with the assigned tile andwithin the manufacturer’s tolerance. The sample size mustbe at least 4 mm and large enough for the measurementwindow of the instrument to be covered completely. It is alsovery important to ensure that there are no physical defects inthe area (color) being measured. An average of 3 readingsmay be taken to ensure a representative reading of the sample.INSTRUMENT X-Rite ® 939 or 530MEASUREMENT GEOMETRY 0/45APERTUREI NSTR UMENTAL COLOR MANAGEMENT SPECIFICATIONSNo smaller than 3.4 mmSOFTWARE X-Rite QA Master ® or QA Master 2000 ®FILE TRANSFER FORMATSTANDARD OBSERVER.MIF10 DegreePRIMARY ILLUMINANT Daylight D50/10 5000°KSECONDARY ILLUMINANT Cool White Fluorescent (F2) 4000°K Coke Red OnlyTERTIARY ILLUMINANTCOLOR SPACECOLOR TOLERANCEOptional: This light source should be selected and standardized by each Company Division office ifneeded. The use of a tertiary light source other than Cool White Fluorescent is the primary storelighting condition in the Division’s geographic area. If the local store lighting conditions are primarilyCool White Fluorescent, Incandescent (2856°K) can be used as the tertiary light source.CIELABCMC 2:1 (Numeric tolerances are specific to the individual color and substrate being measured.)Coca-Cola Zero | Brand Identity and Design Standards_v1.0Confidential: December 2009

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