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someone like that on the team,” but internally, his eyes are

rolling because every man has heard this all before.

Unbeknownst to you, four out of the five things you are

claiming as special, other women lay claim to as well. Do you

think you are the only educated, independent, loyal, spiritual,

female that a man who actually gets out beyond his

neighborhood will meet? You’re a self-proclaimed, good

woman. Spoiler alert, a successful man dates multiple “good

women” a month. During a conversation, a man will

experience Typical Bitch Date Déjà Vu: This lawyer across

from me is just like that school teacher from last month. She

says she’s looking for this kind of connection, she says she has

this going for her, she was just on some vacation, and she’s

now saying she’s the type that blah fucking blah! Jeez, this

bitch is vanilla! In the end, her job, her income, nor her

ownership of property will become a major factor in

determining if he actually wants more from her than sex. No

matter what this woman lists as unique, he does not feel that

she is because he has sat across from women who are just as

self-reliant and successful, three times this month.

Men will always play along and act as if you’re the most

interesting woman in the world. You have a new vagina he

hasn’t sampled yet, so he’s going to flatter you and feign

impressed, but I know what’s actually going on in his head.

While sitting across from you, a man is hearing the same

typical responses and the same typical opinions. He can tell

that, with maybe a few exceptions, you are exactly like that

nurse who he dated for three weeks, slept with, and then got

bored with—Yawn! 9 out of 10 women bring the same shit to

the table in terms of academics, employment, and domestic

abilities. “Where is he ever going to meet a woman who is

intelligent and makes over 80k a year?” Everywhere!

The majority of grown ass women are studious and

responsible. I’ve given advice to countless women over the

years, psychologists, engineers, actresses, small and large

business owners. Do you know what I tell them when they

give me lame personality traits like, “Well, I’m loyal and

honest,” and then tout their yearly income as if that’s more

important than their personality? Congratulations for doing

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