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Saying affirming things based on the fact that you love him,

not based on him making a smart move, will only fuel him to

keep doing the same shit. Play it straight and be affectionate in

other ways for now. Once you establish that you can say, “how

was it going with such and such,” and he sits down and opens

up in detail, his trust has been earned. From there, show that

you have been paying attention by offering solutions that have

been thought out. No one wants to hear common sense

responses like, “Try harder. Find a new job. Go to HR.” Show

him you aren’t like other women by thinking outside of the

box in terms of offering help. He may take it, he may not take

it, but the point is you tried to help him out in a progressive

and non-condescending way.

In terms of your personal relationship, what does his

response to your help tell you about his character? You are still

playing this game of life, still revealing compatibility, don’t

shake it off as if things will get better. Observe how he opens

up, but also, how he responds to solving his internal strife. You

can’t seriously continue on with a man who doesn’t learn, who

only wants to complain, and who dismisses anything you say

because he’s committed to doing things his way even when

it’s not working. A man like this is destructive and selfdefeating.

This isn’t something you could have sniffed out

during dating, again, this is one of those “wait until the

relationship” situations you go through to further prove if he is

or isn’t husband material.

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