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from your POV, you try to understand other perspectives, be it

political parties, religions, or unfamiliar music genres. A

Spartan grows herself in order to have a rich lifestyle to pull

from when dating; she is never a One-Trick-Pussy there to

giggle and bat her eyes at a man.

What makes a girl boring versus enticing to a man?

No guy wants to sit in front of a woman whose most

passionate topic on a Tuesday is a Real Housewives show that

aired on Sunday. A man doesn’t care about the workplace

drama that a woman pretends to be fed up with, but secretly

gets off on and can’t stop bringing up. A guy doesn’t want to

ask where a grown woman’s traveled and have the answer be

“Atlantic City.” No man wants to direct a late night

conversation towards sex and hear an adult shy away with,

“You nasty, boy.” Can you seduce like a woman or are you

going to shy away like a high school sophomore? As a woman

what life have you lived on your own that makes you

fascinating? What thoughts do you think that truly make you

unique? If you set in front of Oprah, how long would it take

before she checked her watch due to your dry ass character?

Can you bring up culture in a real way to create an engrossing

discussion? Can you reference book topics that you want his

opinion on? Do you actually go out and create experiences

beyond what happened during your shift at work? Can you

flirt and mind-fuck in a way that would keep any male

engaged? A Queen is a master of many trades, not just work

gossip, timeline drama, or TV show talk. Ask yourself if you

are indeed well rounded, before you even agree to go on a

date. If the answer is “no” then mentally, you are a Zombie

with a Pussy, not a Spartan Queen.

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