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need those things. This is a fatal mistake typical women make.

They don’t pay attention to the details and figure they will

make it work once they are together. Why are you dating if not

to test these personality traits out? Women tell me about petty

arguments they have with their boyfriends ranging from, “He

expects me to be like his mother,” to “He tries to give me

advice about my career when I don’t ask him for it.” When

you date a person, these kinks should be worked out. You

shouldn’t transition into a serious relationship thinking the

love you have, which is infantile at this point, will survive.

Know his story, know yourself, know if it will work? A man

may need a woman to give him space to make his own

mistakes without saying anything. If you prefer full

transparency, you will bump heads thinking that he’s hiding

things from you. In reality, it’s just how he operates. A man

may need a woman who accompanies him to places 90% of

the time because he doesn’t have friends. If you are a Lone

Wolf, even in a relationship, then this will become an issue. A

man may be very matter-of-fact about what he wants, and

while that attitude is good for picking restaurants when you

don’t want to decide, it will lead to riffs when he tries to boss

you around. How long before him being him, gets under your

skin? Some traits, negative and positive, are so embedded in a

man that you cannot change them, nor should you try.

Understand each other, and then ask yourself if you two could

co-exist after the lust wears off.

Can You Say the Words: Everything in this chapter boils down

to one statement: I’m ready to be with you. Those are the

only words you need. The million-dollar question isn’t a

question at all, it’s a declaration of power that communicates

what this relationship now has to be in order for you to

continue. There is no waiting on a man to be ready, there is no

waiting for you to be even more prepared. If you aren’t

prepared to finish this through then you don’t need to date like

a Spartan in the first place! If you wanted to play house,

cuddle, and get consistent dick, then you could have kept

down that Tina Typical path. I challenged you to change your

life, and you accepted. At this moment of truth, you must

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