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who wins the lottery and blows the money, no one appreciates

things that come easy.

If Trina would have gone to work every day, declined

lunch sessions, and established dating and communicating as

an outside of the building specialty, then Trina’s guy would

have seen Trina as something special. As it went down, he

conquered Trina without breaking a sweat and didn’t truly

appreciate her as a person, just an object of lust during his

eager honeymoon stage. Eve’s guy had stairwell pussy, he got

off work, ran up the stairwell, and there it was waiting for him.

The girl he left Eve for wouldn’t even let him in her

apartment. Think about that! Eve was confused as to how a

man could get everything he wanted, yet still pick the woman

that tells him, “no.” It boils down to the respect the special

attraction woman is able to create, whereas the attached at the

hip woman becomes stale, allowing apathy to set in. Similar to

women in college who want to lay up under guys all evening,

it won’t work unless he sees you as a victory due to his efforts,

not something handed over quickly. Dates make you a special

attraction, utilize them to build your legend. A man will

always remember what it took for him to get you and cherish

that effort.

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