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A woman should not be the game master that has to keep

a relationship fresh. Yet, the misogynistic solution always

comes back to female submission. Do you realize how often

we men ask, “How do we keep our lady happy?” Never! How

is it that men never have to consider ways to maintain your

love, but you are consumed by how to maintain a man’s love?

You read books, you go to lectures, you listen to podcasts, you

ask other people—how do I keep him in love! That’s not a

Spartan mindset, that’s pathetic. A man’s only worry is when

he fucks up, (and they all fuck up) and how to kiss ass and get

back in her good graces. There is no extra drive to sustain a

woman’s love on a man’s part, and it has nothing to do with

who loves who more. Men know that you should never have to

make someone happy to be with you; either they are or they

aren’t! This mentality has been working for centuries and men

win with it daily. So why are women still in the business of

trying so fucking hard to please a false master?

Unlearn the way you look at love. Your boyfriend does

not need you to be his slave, his mother, or his jester. The

person in the relationship with the most power is the one that

tries the least. Unless this is a relationship you started after

dating like a Spartan, then it’s likely you are the one tap

dancing for dick’s approval. What do you want to eat, bae? We

can do whatever you feel like, bae. It’s up to you, bae. I’m

happy with whatever, bae. You live like I Dream of Jeannie,

and it’s because you don’t understand how to partner with a

man, only to serve. Being a girlfriend, is not grunt work, it is

not servitude, it is an equal alliance. Even if you like being

domestic and are happy catering, understand what motivates

you to take that role, and be sure it comes from a sincere place.

For most, being a girlfriend is practice for being a wife. You

do all the duties of a wife, he notices that effort, he knows that

he will be taken care of, so he marries you. Ha! What an

outdated formula that continues to fuck over ignorant women.

This standard submission is tied to your quest to be chosen as

a wife and it’s time you reevaluated the lengths you should go

for matrimony.

Little girls play house, grow up wanting to run a real

house. Little girls play mom with their dolls, grow up wanting

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